Park It Up.

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I walked out the front door of our apartment and it was getting late. I could not have been more tired. I went outside the building and started walking.

Where would Jay be? Where would Jay be?

I stopped in the middle of the road as cars stopped around me, blowing their horns and I looked around. Where is Jay?

I thought for a second and it came to me. Right before Jayden left, she said something that had me thinking.

"Don't call me that! I'll just slide on, alone!" I remembered her say and I walked up to a car and knocked on their window.

"Hello sir. Where could I find the closest park?" I asked and the man and he gave me directions, after he stopped honking his horn.

I ran all the way there, to see Jayden sitting on the ground, as Grayson rubbed her back with his hand. I slowly came up behind them and sat down, out of breath.

Gray looked back at me and gave me a look as if he was disappointed in me. Then Jay looked back at me.

She quickly got up and started to walk away. I stood up as fast as I could, and I chased after her. I grabbed both of her arms and turned her around to look at me.

"Jayden! She kissed me! I didn't kiss her! You have to believe me! I love you more than you could ever imagine! Please, take me back... I even threw her out of our apartment! Jayden! I love you so much. You have no idea how much I care for you. I would never want to hurt you... Please, give me another chance! It will never happen again..." I said and she looked up at me.

I looked down at her and put my hands behind her neck gently. I smoothly pulled her into a kiss and I refused to let go. The kiss went on for a while as Gray watched us both. Then, I let go and she fastly, pulled away from me.

"Please, Jay?" I asked and she moved her head away from my hands. Then, she shook her head. She looked as if she was going to say yes. But, then, she stopped.

"No... and don't call me Jay..." she replied walking away. Then, she turned around again.

"I love you Ethan... But, I can't trust you anymore... Maybe, once I gain back your trust, we can try again..." she said walking on again.

I just stood there in disbelief again. I lost the love of my life again! I hate this! We were in love this whole day, until now!

Grayson had to bring his dumb friend to our apartment without my permission and she broke Jay and I up! I hate Gray! He better never talk to me again!

"You messed up, bro..." he said and I got so mad! My emotions took over my body and I yelled!

"You did this on purpose!" I yelled and I punched him in the stomach. He dropped down, bent over. I walked past him and bumped into him purposely. That's when he got mad. I could tell.

I looked up at Jayden, expecting her to still be walking away. But, she stopped and looked over her shoulder.

She quickly walked over, and I got ready to be able to kiss my girl again. She walked over, gently puckered her lips and right before she got to me, she kept walking.

Then, she kissed Gray...
Hey guyysss! Sorry for not posting for a whole week! I was so busy! I just got home and I am excited to start updating regularly again!

Oh yeah, and what do you guys think about Jayden and Grayson?



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