Inocent Ethan.

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I woke up with soreness everywhere on my body. I just laid in my bed and tried not to move. Then, I had to move.

"Jayden?!" I heard my Mom yelling at me from downstairs. I hopped out of bed, only in my sports bra and sweats, and walked downstairs.

"You have a friend here... He's at the door..." she said refusing to look at me, and I walked over to the door. I was not expecting to see Grayson standing there...

"Hey." he said smiling.

"Hi?" I replied confused. Why is Grayson Dolan at my house?

"Do you want to go out with me today?" he asked and I closed the door behind me. So, my Mom couldn't listen to us talking.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I know that you don't trust me. But, I am taking you out today..." he said smiling.

"No..." I replied.

"Why?" he asked

"Because, I don't wanna be anywhere with you now... You hurt me, just yesterday!" I whisper yelled.

"Jay! Trust me! You want to come with me! And I apologized! What else am I supposed to do?!" he asked loudly.

"Don't call me that." I replied back and he squinted back at me.

"Don't call you Jay?" he questioned and I nodded my head.

"Only certain people can call me that..." I said looking away.

"As in who?" he asked.

"My friends and my parents... or my parent." I replied and he sighed.

"Jayden. We're getting of topic. You need to come with me." he said again.

"Why?" I asked and he looked directly into my eyes.

"Your coming with me to surprise Ethan at the house... He thinks that you are still really hurt, and he feels really guilty. Please? Come with me?" he said and I sighed.

"Fine." I said opening the door as Grayson walked in behind me.

*Grayson's POV*

As I walked inside Jay's house I looked around to see a lot nicer house than I expected to see. Everything was clean and nice.

I looked at Jay's tiny waist and felt terrible. It looks as if she barely eats any food at all. I could see her ribs through her skin.

Then, I looked a little closer to see bruises all over. One of her sides was fading from a purple color.

I know that I did that to her. Ethan wouldn't be able to do that to anybody. He has too much heart.

I felt awkward standing there knowing that I've hurt her like that. I gently put my hand out and I placed my hand on her side and she whipped around fast.

"What?!" she asked and I felt a sadness fill me up inside.

"Jay? I'm so sorry." I said pulling her close to me with a hug and she didn't do anything. She didn't even hug me back. That was even more upsetting!

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