Flip Out!

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We got to the twins' house and the ride there was silent. I had blood drying on my face,  and I kept getting light headed.

I felt as if I had multiple ribs out. I was acing from pain. But, I couldn't let the boys see that. I needed to be strong in front of them.

I held back tears and tried to not speak.

"Jay?" Ethan asked putting his hand on my leg.

"What?" I said as my voice cracked. When I spoke, I thought every tear would fall down my rosie, red cheeks, and burn on the way down.

But, I somehow was able to keep them all in. I'm not sure how I did that... My eyes began to fill all the way up with water and every last drop fell. My face burned from this.

"Don't cry Jay..." Ethan said and I couldn't help it... I had to. I couldn't hold back any emotions anymore. I had, had enough.

"I'm sick of this! Why does my life have to be so dramatic?! I barely talk to anyone! I talk to three boys at my school! I have two adults at home! That's all I have! Why is it so hard to live like that!?" I yelled.

"It's hard because, that's how it's supposed to be." Grayson said and I started yelling again...

"No! I used to get bullied! I get beaten at home! I have scars all up and down my body! Every single time I just got into a car accident with my boyfriend! That actually caused my Dad's death! Now, I'm living with my boyfriend and his twin brother! I haven't talked to Jack in a really long time and I really miss him! Then, I got kicked out of my house! Then, I got drunk with my friends and then had sex with my boyfriend that night! And to top it all of, I used to get bullied by my boyfriend and his twin! Then, I fell in love with him! How messed up is my life?! Why is it so freaking hard?!" I yelled and the boys said nothing.

"I'm sorry... I just don't know what else to do..." I said again and both boys just paused.

"You don't have to be upset about moving in with us... We'll love you, protect you, hold you, and we will always take care of you." Grayson said and I smiled.

"I would hug you both right now, if I could move." I said giggling and the both chuckled as well.

I really do love these boys a lot. But, I don't want to stay in the same town as my Mom...

I also don't think their Mom knows about me yet, and I'm pretty sure she'll find out soon because, Cameron and Mom are coming home this summer which is close to about a week away...

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