Chapter 1: Wake Up

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London Lights- A Harry Styles Fan Fiction © Copyright @TheCatsMeeow (August 2013- ) All rights reserved.

Author's Note: Hello. This is my very first fan fiction EVER and I've been wanting to write one for so long. So I'm super excited to have finally come round to doing this!!

I might be writing this for while, because some (I said some) chapters will be a little short. Sorry if that's not to your liking :/

Anyway, thanks for choosing to read my story, hope you enjoy it and have a brilliant day x -Laura :) (@TheCatsMeeow)

~Harry's P.O.V (Point Of View)~

Tick tick tick..

I lie awake, listening to the continuous ticking of Mum's antique grandfather clock.

Damn, why can't I just fall asleep? I've been awake for ages and I just can't seem to drift off.

Lucky me. I was lumbered with sleeping on the sofa. After we arrived I unpacked my stuff and trashed the room a little, before collapsing onto the couch. So this was now officially my haystack.

Niall, Louis and Liam all got air beds while Zayn, AKA Sleeping Beauty, got my sister's old but extremely comfortable single bed. Trust him to call dibs on that one.

We're back in my home town, Holmes Chapel, and the boys and I have decided to stay at my Mum's house.

I mean sure, we had the option of any hotel we wanted, but home is where the heart is and nothing can change that.

I shifted around, trying to get a comfortable position on the stupid sofa, and trust me, it was freakin' hard. I kept tossing and turning until I could no longer feel the upholstery beneath me as I crashed to the floor with a thud.

The boys suddenly woke up from their sleep, except Zayn, and looked around groggily.

“What the hell was that?” Louis asked.

After a few seconds of scanning the room they found me lying on the floor, groaning pathetically.

“What happened?” Niall asked as he stretched his arms over his head sleepily.

“He bloody woke us up. That's what.” Louis grumbled.

“I'm so sorry Lou, I just fell off the couch. Please, go back to sleep.” I apologised.

Niall and Louis both pulled their sleeping bags over their heads and turned over on their sides.

“What's the time?” Liam whispered.

I pressed the button on my phone and was blinded for a few seconds by the bright light.

“Jeez, that's bright. It's quarter past six.” I exclaimed.

“Okay.” Liam muttered, he was probably half-asleep.

I sighed. Why do people get so grumpy when they're tired? I suppose I can't say much. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm probably a lot more grumpier than them when I'm tired.

I couldn't fall asleep so I got up and crept across the room. I slowly opened the door but no matter how gently I pulled, a loud creaking sound occurred, causing even Zayn to stir in his sleep.

“There goes Harry the Hippo again.” Someone murmured.

I could hear Niall giggling as I made my way downstairs towards the lounge. I guessed Mum was in the kitchen as a vanilla smell wafted throughout the house.

“Hi Mum,” I said as I made my way over to the stove where she was flipping pancakes and tossing them on plates.

“How come you're up so early?” I asked as I kissed her on the cheek and sat down at the dining table.

London Lights // Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now