Chapter 12: Breakfast

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Quick Author's Note: P.s if you'd like a special mention in a further ' Author's Note ' message me and I'll happily do one for you!

~Delilah's P.O.V (Point Of View)~

I saw a bright light come to my eyes as I started to wake up. Realising it was the bright sunlight, at it's 'waking everyone up ' routine. I'd never get any sleep if those curtains stayed, the moonlight shone through all last night. The curtains gave me no mercy at all.

I blinked a couple times, letting my eyes adjust to the new brightness. I was awake, that was for sure. But being my lazy self, I took no action on actually getting up out of bed.

I lay spread out on my mattress, I looked like a beached starfish.

I looked up at the ceiling as I heard clambering downstairs, which meant someone was up. Either Harry or Nadia. My bets on Harry though..

I glanced to see if Crumpets was still by my feet. I remembered she had moved up the bed a little last night and snuggled up my knees. But she wasn't in sight any more.

Finally I reached over to my night stand and grabbed my iPod. I turned it on and my eyes widened at the time.

It was 6:55 am? I didn't even sleep seven hours! I mean usually I only get up at 7 and that's also generally with the help of an alarm clock.

I reluctantly threw my legs off the bed and made my way to the bathroom and glared at my reflection before me.

I looked like a mess. My lilac hair didn't feel like agreeing with me at all this morning. Because the back was a scraggly, puffed up mess, while the front was a curly galore.

This was mostly always my look in the early hours of the morning though, but today it felt much worse.

I gave my hair a rough brush over and pulled it back with a headband to make sure no one noticed. I brushed my teeth and gave my face a quick wash before slipping my feet into my old pair of fuzzy green slippers.

Before I made it to the end of the small upstairs hallway, I slipped up on the carpet and came crashing down on my butt. I groaned as I got up again and went to the staircase.

I walked down them as my pyjama pants bottoms almost tripped me up again.

Walking into the kitchen that was filled with sizzling oil sounds, I see Harry by the stove cooking something.

“Morning.” I greeted as Harry turned around from flipping a pancake. Unlike me, he was dressed for the day. With a black long sleeve, and jeans. His curly hair was a bit of a mess, but he seemed wide awake.

“Oh morning love.” He smiled as I sat down on one of the counter stools. “Are you hungry?” He asked.

“Mmhmm, very.” I grinned as he passed me a plate piled up with pancakes, whipped cream and maple syrup on top.

“What are you doing up this early anyway?” I laughed.

“Woke up and couldn't get back to sleep,” He shrugged, “So I thought I'd whip us up something for breakfast.”

I took a bite, “Yum, these are really good.”

“Thank you.” He grinned as he piled another two plates up with pancakes.

“Nadia! BREAKFAST!” Harry yelled as he turned off the element and joined me at the island.

I finished up my plate as I went to put it in the sink. Nadia appeared in the kitchen at that moment, looking exactly how I had this morning.

Her dark brown hair, dry and tangled, but unlike me she made no move to fix it. She had a blue and white plaid pyjamas on and bright purple monster socks.

“Morning Delilah.” Nadia smiled as she sat down on my stool and rested her head on the island.

“Harry saved some pancakes for you. I can heat em' up for you if you want.” I told her as she sleepily gave me the thumbs up and I took the plate of leftover pancakes on the bench and put them inside the microwave.

“I was gonna take you out shopping today, but I'm not feeling up to it today. Sorry Delilah, I think I might be coming down with something.” Nadia sighed.

“It's okay Nadia, really.” I replied and placed the pancakes before her.

“Why don't me and the boys take you out and like show you around?” Harry suggested.

“Aw, that sounded like a perfect day out with Haz... and the boys.” Nadia faintly smiled.

“Sounds great.” I smiled as I cleared up the island, grabbing all the empty plates.

“Okay, well I might go back up to bed. Harry, could you please call my boss that I'm having a sick day today? Thanks.” Nadia said.

“Yeah sure.” Harry smiled as Nadia waved and walked out of the kitchen.

“Thanks for breakfast by the way, have fun!” She yelled.


I quickly dried my wet hair from the shower and pulled it back up in my headband.

It was now 8 am and I was going through my entire wardrobe of clothes, trying to find something to wear for the outing.

After a while of picking and choosing. I finally decided upon a pair of jeans, a polka dot pinafore like top and a pair of dark brown leather boots.

“You all ready?” Harry yelled out.

“Hang on!” I shouted back as I go over to my double bed and grabbed my bag that was lying on top of it and darted out.

“Bye Nadia.” I whispered as I passed her room door and I go over to the staircase.

Going down the staircase two by two, I almost trip over the last one, but I caught onto the rail.

“Careful love.” Harry smirked as I stood back up again.

Harry passed me a black jacket, “You'll want this. It's pretty fresh outside.”

“Thanks.” I nodded as I put it on. It surprisingly matched my outfit.

“I love your outfit by the way.” He said as I looked down to the ground and smiled.

“Thank you, you look smashing yourself.” I smiled as I looked at his newly changed outfit that actually matched mine..

A pair of jeans, his famous boots everyone talks about, and a long black coat, that just reached above his knees. Wait it did match mine...

“Oh look, we're matching.” He laughed as he opened the door and gestured me outside.

“Oh also before I forget, here's your key.” Harry smiled and passed it to me.

“Thanks.” I smiled back and slipped it in my purse.

Harry shut the door behind us and leads me to a stretch hummer and we climbed in the front seats.

“I wonder if the boys will be awake at this time.” Harry laughed and started up the car engine.

“Harry! Of course they will. It's like 8 in the morning,” I said, rolling my eyes, “So who's gonna be our mystery pick up first?”

“Hmm it's a mystery.” Harry grinned and pulled out of our driveway.

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