Chapter 16: Restaurant

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Louis screamed all of a sudden and ran straight for us as he lifts us up and squeezed us tightly, “SUPERMAN IS GLAD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!”

“Hello Louis,” I smiled, hugging him back as he placed us back on the floor.

“It's Superman.” He implied.

“Okay, Superman.” I laughed.

“Hi Superman and hiii guys!” Nadia waved to everyone else sitting on the couches.


“How long have you guys been waiting down here?” I asked as we sat down.

“Oh, not too long.” Liam smiled.

“That's good. So what restaurant are we going to?” Nadia asked.

“This fancy one-” Zayn got cut off.

“Ooh it's fancy. I like fancy.” Nadia whispered.

“It's called.. uhh. Ogh, I've forgotten. What was it called again Liam?” Zayn asked.

“Erm, something like La, no Aotra Peir.”

“L'Autre Pied.” Niall stated.

“That's the one mate,” Liam nodded.

“I do know my restaurants.” Niall smirked in a posh voice, which made me laugh.

“We had planned to go to this new Italian restaurant, but we needed a week prior booking.” Zayn rolled his eyes.

“So should we get going now?” Liam asked.

“Yes, I'm starving.” Niall agreed, as everyone got up.

“When are you not.” Harry giggled.

Louis gets in first and opens the front door.

“You must be Perrie, Eleanor and Sophia. I'm Delilah.” I grinned as we were making our way out the door.

“Aw, you know how names sweetie! Oh my god, your name is so adorable.” Perrie says, “Can I steal it?”

I laughed, “You think?”

“YEAH.” Perrie nodded.

“Thank you.” I smiled.

“Oh my god your outfits are beautiful.” I exclaimed.

“Look in the mirror babe, you're stunning.” Perrie smiled.

“Awh, you guys are so sweet.” I grinned.

We walked out the door and I go to lock it as I was the last one out. While everyone else was halfway down the drive.

I locked the door and I turned back around to see Harry standing beside me.

“You look beautiful Delilah.” He smiled and I blushed.

“Thank you, you look amazing too.” I said as he held out his hand which I took without hesitation, and we walked off to join the others at the end of our driveway.

There were all these cars parked outside our house and a heap of journalists hanging around and trying to talk to the boys.

“Harry, Harry! Harry, is it true this is your new girlfriend?” A journalist said popping from behind a car, scaring me half to death.

Harry said that Paul warned us about this and told us to just walk past them.

“Let's go,” Harry whispered, as we pushed through the people and hopped into a black people carrier and the rest followed suit.

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