Chapter 15: I Knew It

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“No one...” She replied.

“It's definitely someone all right. Who is it? Louis? Harry?” I suggested.


“Liam... Zayn.. ?”

“DELILAH, how could I love Louis, Liam OR Zayn? They're all already in a happy and adorable relationship.” She smiled, “Very CUTE relationships.. well at least Louis and Zayn are...”

“You don't like Sophia do you?” I smirked.

“Well I don't know, I liked Payzer better.” She shrugged.

“But anyway, getting back to the other subject. It's Harry then.” I implied.

“No it's not!” She yelled as she hit me while we both laughed.

“YES!” I shouted back.

“Nope, I swear Delilah.” She laughed.

“Oh. Then who is it?” I groaned in defeat.

“Umm... erm.. I DON'T WANT HARRY FINDING OUT! 'CAUSE you can guarantee he's going to tell everyone!” She said and turned away from me.

“Whisper in my ear then.” I giggled as she quietly whispered.

“Oh my GOD. Nadia really?!? Awwww I totally ship you guys already! WOW you'd be sooo so super adorable together.” I rambled on and on and Nadia blushed a bright red again.

“You think?” She hesitated.

“YES. You need to tell him.” I yelled as she pushed me away.

“I can't do that. I don't even know if he likes me back.” She nervously said.

“You'll never know until you tell him.” I shouted, “I think tonight's a per-fect time to admit!”

“What's tonight?” She asked.

“Ohh I forgot to tell you, we're all going out for dinner at 7.” I smiled.

“SEVEN? OHMIDGOD IT'S ALREADY QUATER TO 7! AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE ANYHTING TO WEAR.” She started freaking out and jumped up from the floor and wiped her eyes.

“Nadia. Calm, DOWN!” I laughed, “I've got you all covered I brought you, well the boys brought you, a really beautiful dress.”

“You guys didn't.” I smiled and I nodded.

“Oh WOW YOU'RE SUCH A LITTLE LIFE SAVER!” Nadia screamed as she tackled me into a hug.

I could tell she was getting excited.

“Want me to go grab your dress?” I asked.

“YES thank you thank you.” She cheered before she raced into her bathroom and slammed the door behind her.

I left her room and hopped down the stairs and suddenly remembered I was supposed to help Harry. I've been like more than an hour... probably not though.

I quickly grabbed Nadia's dress from a bag in the hallway and dashed back to her room and placed it on her bed.

I faintly heard her singing Half A Heart in the shower. I giggled a bit as I went back downstairs.

I go into the kitchen as I see Harry icing these beautiful rainbow coloured cupcakes. Wow they were colourful..

“I'm sorry. I never came down to help.” I pouted as I stood next to him and watched him ice.

“It's okay,” He smiled, “Is Nadia all right? I kinda heard her yelling...”

“Oh she's okay now, I think,” I shrugged, “She was just a bit upset about things, but I cheered her up.”

“Okay,” Harry nodded and I laughed.

“You're quite a messy baker, I must say.” I confessed, examining his apron and pants that were covered in icing sugar and a bit of food colouring smudged across his face.

“I'll have a shower after this, it's okay.” He replied, as another bit of icing flicks over his arm and I let out a laugh.

“YOU go get ready. I'll take over.” I smiled as he dotted a bit of pink icing on my nose and walked out.

I wiped the sticky icing off my face and started icing the last three or four cupcakes.

I finished icing the last cake as I quickly washed up and grabbed my dress and scurried to my room.

I had a quick wash before I changed into my brand new dress. It was a short white floral dress, with a bow on the front and frilly bits around the rim.

Once I put it on, I straightened my hair with my hair straighter and pulled it back with a matching headband.

After applying a little glimpse of make up, I stared at myself in the mirror for a few seconds and was happy with the results.

I grabbed a pair of boots from my closet and slipped them on. Before I grabbed my purse and left my bedroom.

I met up with Nadia half way to the staircase.

She was wearing her dress, which was a short sequin dress with half shelves and a long back. It looked even better then in the shops.

“Wow you look gorgeous.” I gasped.

“Aw thank you! You do too.” She smiled.

“How could Niall not love you?” I stated shocked as she went pink.

“Shh Delilah.” She scolded before we both started laughing and walked down the stairs.

“Let's see if Harry approves of our dresses.” Nadia winked as we got to the bottom stair.

We got to the hallway and looked around for Harry.

“I don't want to steal all your glory, so you show him yourself first.” Nadia smirked and grabbed my arm, pulling me into the lounge towards voices, who we thought was just Harry watching TV or something.

We make it finally to the lounge door, almost tripping on our shoes but making it.

But to realise everyone was already here.. we both just stood there as everyone looked at us.

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