Chapter 28: Unpredictable

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~Niall's P.O.V (Point Of View)~

I had so many thoughts running through my mind at that moment as I stared into Nadia's big, brown eyes. My mind was simply raging, the thoughts swarming like angry bees fighting for their nest. But, none of that seemed to matter anymore when, very suddenly, I felt her soft lips brush against mine.

I froze for a bit out of total shock before I realized what was happening. Once I processed that she was kissing me, I  pulled her closer to my chest and smiled into the kiss.

It wasn't a particularly long or complex kiss, and we both slowly pulled out of it. I rubbed my nose against her's as she blushed and looked away, our faces still inches apart after our kiss.

I leaned in and kissed her nose at the sight of her blushing. 

“Aw, you're blushing!” I cooed as my lips broke into a smile.

“No, no I'm not.” She said quickly and nervously, looking down to the ground and rocking her feet back and forth.

I laughed lightly as I brushed a few strands of her hair behind her ear, prompting her to look back up at me with those breathtaking eyes. 

“Nadia?” I breathed as I brought my hand up to her soft face.

She seemed to not be paying attention to me as she brushed her hand absent mindedly over my nose.

“Nadia.” I repeated, my voice a bit louder that time.

“Mmm?” She finally nodded as I took a deep breath.

“I love you.” I stuttered, letting her pull me closer to her again.

“I love you too.” She giggled before she placed a quick kiss on my lips and pulled away.

“Now go wait for me out there, I'll be only a minute.” She added as I smiled at her. She gave me a light smile in return as I stood and left the bathrooms, the taste of her on my lips.

I made my way out the door as it shut behind me and slumped back against the wall, pulling out my phone.

A sudden giggle caught my attention as I looked straight down the hall to see a little girl, around 2 I guess, looking at me with a wide grin. She was so cute, so I smiled a bit.

“Hello little princess.” I said with a wave, watching as her smile instantly seemed to vanish, her wide eyes staring me down.

My eyebrows raised a little as I turned back to my phone.

I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt someone poke my leg and looked down to see the same little girl.

I knelt down to her height and gave her a smile.

“Where's your mummy and daddy?” I asked as she looked around.

“I don't know.” She shrugged as I crinkled my forehead, lifting the little girl into my arms.

Just as I stood up with the little girl, the bathroom door flung open to reveal Nadia.

“Who's that?” She instantly asked as the little girl turned towards her.

“I dunno, she just came up to me and said she doesn't know where her parents are.” I replied while Nadia looked down the hall.

“What's your name sweetheart?” I asked the little blonde haired girl.

“Z-zola.” she stammered nervously.

“Aw that's a cute name.” Nadia told her with a smile.

“Where did you last see your parents, Zola?” I said as I brushed some of her hair from her face.

“I haven't seen Mummy for a long time, she's on the other side of the world with Daddy, working” she replied as she pointed towards the exit, “My big sister is around here somewhere. We watched a Lego movie together.”

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