Chapter 24: Are We Lost Yet

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“Hey let's look over there guys!” Louis called, as we all sat up from the picnic table.

“Hang on Louis.” Nadia said as she tried to quickly cover up the food up with a blanket.

“We can't just leave the food,” She frowned towards us as we stopped walking and turned towards her.

“Yes we can Nadz, we'll only be a few minutes.” Niall shrugged and gave her a reassuring smile as she gave in and quickly caught up to us.

“Ooh, look I think there's a little rabbit!” I smiled as we saw something flash through the bushes.

“Quick it's getting away!” Louis shouted as he started running after it.

“Calm down.” Zayn huffed as we all started chasing after Louis, completely forgetting about the picnic basket back at the picnic area.

After running for a least 5 minutes, we all stopped because we all were short of breath.

“Okay, so how many rabbits and birds did we just chase?” Perrie laughed, breathing heavily as Lux wanted to let go of her hand.

“More than we should of,” Niall chuckled as we turned around and we just stared from where we'd come from for a moment.

“Where are we?” Louis asked as we all raised our eyebrows and looked around us.

“Great, now we're lost. We didn't run that far did we?” Nadia sighed as she sat down on the edge of a rock.

“What about our food?” Niall cried.

“Yogi Bear's probably stole the food along with the picnic basket Niall,” I giggled.

“Awh, Lux is tired.” Harry said as Lux lay on Harry's chest.

I put my hand on Lux and rubbed her back as she looked up at me sleepily and rested her head back on Harry's shoulder.

“I'm sure we'll find our way back.” I said, "We can at least try." 

It's been at least hal an hour full of walking back the way we came.. well that's what we only thought. All of our hope dissapears ever so suddenly as we came up front of a large to a dark fir tree forest.

“Didn't we pass this just a minute ago?” Nadia breathed as we sighed.

“We're just going round in circles.” Niall sighed as we all sat down on the dry dirt ground.

“Has anyone got their phones?” Louis asked.

“Remember they're all back because they were all flat.” Perrie pouted.

“Not this one,” Nadia smirked as she held it up and everyone cheered.

“Has it got a GPS?” I suggested.

“No,” Nadia shook her head. “The GPS never works on it.”

“Oh what, have we got coverage then?” Harry asked.

“Hmm, let me check,” She said as she looked at the screen and shook her head.

“Great JUST GREAT.” Zayn shouted into the woods as the birds all flew from the trees.

“At least it isn't dark yet,” Louis shrugged. "It could have been worse."

"Louis' right guys, come on. We can't be THAT lost. Let's go, have a little bit of adventure in ya." Nadia cheered as she started making her way towards the forest.

She turns around as she notices no ones following her willingly.

"Oh come on!" She shots and places her hands on her hips as we all just stare at her in horror.

"You surly don't expect me to go in there," Niall pointed as Nadia turned towards the forest and back to us.

"Uh yeah, I do actually." She glared and crossed her arms.

"Nadia, I don't think that's a good idea going in there." Niall whimpered.

“We have to just keep on walking,” I stated.

Zayn grabbed Lux in his arms as we started hiking around the woods, trying to avoid having to go in them.

“This is not working,” Louis kept on whining.

“Please Louis, your not helping either.” Harry sighed.

“HEY! I remember that tree!” Nadia suddenly exclaimed.

“Why is that good, does that mean we're going around in circles?” I raised an eyebrow.

“No, I mean I saw it when we started running after that silly rabbit,” Nadia smiled as she looked down a path.

“Oh yeah, I know the way now!” Perrie said, “This way guys.”

We started going down a dirt pathway, we could see there was a clearing ahead and we all jumped for joy and broke into a sprint.

We got to the clearing and saw our car in the carpark, “Yay!” We all cheered as Niall suddenly shrieked.

“OUR FOODS GONE,” He cried.

“Oh what!” Nadia frowned as we looked over to see our picnic basket food all spread across the grass.

“There's ant's over everything,” Perrie exclaimed.

“Well there goes our picnic.” I sighed as we all started picking up the rubbish from the grass.

“That's so not fair, we only left the picnic basket for probably about half an hour.” Niall pouted.

“It was actually about an hour, or longer.” Harry stated.


After picking everything from the ground, and stuffing it back in the picnic basket. We shoved it in the car boot.

“Well that's been the most eventful picnic yet,” Nadia laughed, “But let's not let that ruin our day out. We can still enjoy this with or without food.

No sooner as those words left Nadia's mouth it started spiting and we all started laughing.

“On second thought. Let's go get something to eat at the mall.” She suggested as we all jumped back into the car and we drove off.

Author's Note: HIYA. Okay so sorry that was a really short chapter, it was kinda rushed:/ Anyway hoped you liked it x Comment/Vote/Fan and I'll promise to make the next chapter much for interesting and much more longer.

So, yeah thanks for reading and I'd just like to give a great big shoutout to...HARRY EDWARD STYLES considering it's he's 20th birthday today. HIP HIP HORAY... but he's 20? Really.... :'( He's growing up too fast!! xx Goodbye! -Laura :)

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