Chapter 32: Messing With My Mind

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I quietly sat in the back of the vehicle as everyone was talking non-stop, the radio blaring out.

My eyes flicked back and forth to Louis and Niall as they fought about what food we should get at the supermarket, but I had already got a list of set things to get from Nadia. They wouldn’t let me push in for a second anyway though, so I stayed quiet.

Someone poked my arm and my head shot towards George who was looking out the window, trying his best to look innocent.

I raised my eyebrows at him mockingly, as he slowly turned his head towards me, “What’s wrong?” He asked, his voice cracking into almost a snicker I heard.

I narrowed my eyes as I glanced out my own window, and pulled my phone out of my purse, just to receive yet another poke. This time I ignored it, and plugged my headphones into my phone before putting them in my ears and pressing on my playlist.

After I flicked through at least 10 or more songs on my shuffle, I left it on the very last one as I had yet another poke on my arm. This time I moved my hand quick enough to catch hold of whoever’s arm that was poking me.

I turned to see George who looked like he was about to burst into laughter, “HAH!” I laughed in his face, “I got you now!”

He smirked as I let go of his arm, “Sorry.” He shrugged as I saw a smirk spread up on his face before I poked his cheeks.

“What do you want?” I stifled a laugh as he simply pointed to the two old nanas still arguing in the front. Yes the two old nanas. You know who I'm referring to.

I sighed as I pulled out a headphone and listened to their pointless bickering for a few seconds before raising my voice, “WILL YOU BOTH PLEASE JUST SHUT UP. LOUIS, NIALL. HOW OLD ARE YOU GUYS?” I shouted as they both went quiet.

“21.” Niall huffed as he crossed his arms.

“22, and still young!” Louis yelled as he pulled into the supermarket carparks.

“What is it saying when me and George are younger than you and know how to act better.” I arched an eyebrow as Louis pulled into a park and turned the engine off.

“I saw him poking you.” Niall mumbled as George giggled.

“Oh so you do see what others do while you're arguing then.” George said as Niall turned towards him and glared before jumping out of the car.

George just sat there confused before following me out the door.

“What was that?” He quietly asked me as Louis locked the car.

“I don’t know, he’s just hungry.” I smiled as George held his hand awkwardly and nodded.

“Alrighty, lets go get some party food!” Louis cheered as he threw on his denim jacket and walked over the crossing ahead of us.

“Come on George.” I grinned as I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him along side me as I ran up to catch up with Louis just entering the supermarket doors.

“Okay, grab a trolley.” I stated to Louis before he turned up next to me, sitting in one.

“Oh for god sake Lou!” I exclaimed, a grin couldn’t help but come across my face at the sight of him though. He acts so much like a 2 year old it’s not funny. No offence to 2 year olds though, they’re adorable as. Random fact there.

“Continue on please, and someone needs to push me.” Louis states blunting, keeping a straight face which I found hard to believe.

“You are so ridiculous.” Niall smirked as he grabbed hold of the trolley and pushed it along with us.

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