Chapter 10: We Finally Find Each Other

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“Your not..” I frowned and shook my head.

“Uh yes I am!! I'm Louis Tomlinson, your cousin.” Louis cheered.

“Oh my god! I never thought you'd look like this.” I admitted.

“What did you think I'd look like? A 40 year old man.” He scoffed.

“I couldn't say.” I smirked.

“Cousins hey?” Liam smiled as I laughed.

“Wow so aren't you part of the family.” Zayn grinned. “I hope your nothing like Louis.”

Louis shot Zayn a annoyed look.

“What was that for?” Louis yelled.

Before the argument could go any further, we heard the front door unlock.


“Good night guys! Drive safety home.” Nadia called as all the boys left.

“Bye!” They shouted back, as they got into their cars. We waved them off down the street before going back inside again.

“Okay then,” Nadia clapped her hands once, “Let's show you your room.”

We all jumped up the stairs and came to a door.

“I can get you a smaller room...” Nadia said.

I walked in and nearly fainted.

"I'm good thanks.” I nodded towards Nadia.

My bedroom was two times – possibly three times – bigger than my old room. And it had a balcony.

“Oh. My. Gosh.” I gasped.

“What?” Harry asked.


“Well you are in the land of royalty, you might as well live like it.” Nadia winked. “So do you like the room?”

“I love it!”

“That’s great,” She smiles, “I'll be right back up, I'm just gonna have a shower, you can have one too. Your bathroom is just in there.” She pointed to what looked like a wardrobe door.

“Oh wow and I have my own ensuite!” I cheered as Nadia laughed and left the room.

“Do you want to see the view of the balcony?” Harry asked.

“Yes.” I smiled as he unlocked the door.

We stepped out as a breeze blew my hair to a side. You could see all the streets, all the way down to the brightly lit city. I could get used to a view like this.

I heard a squeaky meow by my legs and I glanced down to see a fluffy cat brushing around my legs.

“Is this your cat?” I asked Harry, who was leaning against the balcony.

“Yes, hello Crumpets.” He smiled as the cat jumped up onto a small white garden table.

“Crumpets?” I asked, guessing why it was called that was because of it's crumpet like coloured coat.

“Yeah.” Harry said as he picked the cat up and passed it to me.

“Aw its so cute.” I giggled as I hugged her in my arms.

“So how long have you been friends with Nadia?” Harry asked me as I admired Crumpets.

“To be honest, I haven't known Nadia ever.” I shrugged. “But you seem to. How long have you known her?”

“Roughly probably coming up five years.”

“Then why aren't you Girlfriend and Boyf-”

“We would never be together Delilah! No way.” Harry choked, “She's always been like another sister to me, never anything else.”

“Oh sorry... I've just heard that there can't be a girl and boy who are just friends. Always one wants more.” I say awkwardly, turning back to the cat.

“Well that's not the case with this friendship, she's always liked someone else. And that's the way it is.” Harry said.

“I better go have a shower, Nadia should be out by now.” Harry muttered.

“But hasn't everyone got there own ensuites?” I asked confused.

“Yeah but I like using the proper main bathroom. And if she's not out yet I'll run the hot tap to make sure she does.” Harry smirked.

“You do that to her?” I asked.

“YES. Just like I said, she's basically my sister.” Harry laughed as he walked back off the balcony and out of my bedroom.

I locked the balcony door again and I walk over to my suitcases that were tossed across my desk.

I couldn't be bothered to have a shower tonight so I just quickly changed into my bright polka-dot pyjamas and brushed my teeth inside my bathroom. I then collapsed onto the comfy mattress.

“It's me again.” Nadia stuck her head into my bedroom and walked in.

“I see you've met Crumpets.” She laughed as she noticed the little cat snuggled my hand that was draping over the bed.

“Oh yeah.” I smiled and patted her soft ears.

“I'll have to buy you some new curtains sometime this week.” Nadia murmured, grimacing at the old flower pattered curtains.

“Why, what's wrong with these?”

“Because they look like my Nana's old floral curtains.” She sighed as I laughed.


“Well goodnight.” Nadia smiled.

“Night.” I said as I snuggled under my blankets like a cat would.

I heard Nadia just about to walk into her room when I called her back into my room. “Nadia you didn't turn my light off!”

“Fine, sorry sleeping beauty.” She laughed before switching the light off and walked out.

I buried my head into the pillow as I try to find my comfy spot. I was just about to nod off to sleep when I felt something jump up onto my bed and curl up by my feet.

I look down the bed to see Crumpets sound asleep. I smiled as I lay back down again and hear her soft purrs.

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