Chapter 7: Airports and One Direction

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I was getting myself a water bottle at the airport café, when a voice came over the speakers.

“Flights to London will be leaving in 20 minutes.”

I screeched as I finished paying the cashier for the water bottle, and scooted back over to where Valerie was waiting with our bags.

“Hey.” I said, as I sat down next to her.

“Ah you got water!” She rejoiced and grabbed the water bottle from my hand.

“Hey, it's my water.” I snarled.

She poked out her tongue at me and continued drinking.

I sighed as I pulled my iPod out of my suitcase front pocket.

“Ahh, free Wifi.” I whispered and smiled.

I brought up my lock screen as I quickly type in my password.

“Aha, I think I saw your password.” I heard Valerie giggle next to me.

I looked over at her and grinned, “Uh, I'm pretty sure you already knew it.” I winked.

“No,” She frowned, “It was Styles.”

“No it wasn't!” I shot and hid my blushing cheeks with my hair.

“Yeah please, I saw it.” She smirked and turned back around.

It only seemed like two seconds before a loud noise came over the speakers again and a voice came on.

“Excuse me Ladies and Gentlemen, all flights going to London will be leaving in 5 minutes. If you have a flight going there, please make your way to the check in. Thank you.”

“Oh damn, that's my queue to go Val,” I shrieked, “How long till your flight sets off?”

“Soon, I think in maybe another hour?” Valerie shrugged.

“Oh.” I nodded.

“I'm gonna miss you Delilah.” Valerie said sadly.

“I'm going miss you more Valerie,” I cried.

We hugged each other and wiped away our tears. We've known each other for years upon years. Ever since we were 5.

“We'll talk soon okay?” She demanded.

“Okay.” I said as I blinked away the tears.

She hugged me again, “I love you. Be safe and don't let anyone take my place.” She half smiled.

“No one could if they tried.” I smiled, hugging one more time before I left.

I boarded the plane. But turned and waved to Valerie before handing the lady my ticket.

“Thank you, and enjoy your flight.” The attendant said and handed me back the certified ticket.

“Thank you.” I nodded, before picking up my suitcase and walking down the corridor.


I make my way off the aeroplane and into the airport. Rolling my luggage bags along side.

I walked down the warm halls, that smelt of plastic and luggage bags (of course).

I had sat on the plane next to some what seemed like a friendly and un harmful old couple at the time... before they fell asleep.. and snored the entire time after.

Luckily the trip wasn't that long. But it wouldn't of bothered me even if it was, I never get sick on plane rides much any more, due to the fact I've travelled a lot.

I stopped walking when I reached the luggage claim area. The bags soon came out and rode across the conveyor belt in their shades of black, grey and navy blue.

Soon I spotted my eye opening polka-dot suitcases and I reached out and grabbed them.

I started walking around, finding somewhere to relax and get something to eat. I was starving.

I caught sight of a small café ahead, so I started to make my way over to it.

My iPod went off with a loud “Waaaaaaa?” which was kinda embarrassing it going off in a large airport.

I checked it to see a txt from Valerie. Apparently her plane hadn't boarded yet due to delays and she was bored as hell. Woah, she's been waiting for a while.

I read all her txt twice as I let out a laugh. She had down a list of lame jokes from her joke book I'd brought her last Christmas... it was a very long list.

I had my phone literally stuck to my face, yes literally stuck to the screen. And I had forgotten to watch where I was going, as I suddenly collided with someone. Oh, nice Delilah.

“Sorry.” I muttered and looked up.

The person was in a hooded jumper and sun glasses covering up his eyes.

“Sorry, I was in your way.” He said.

“I ran into you.”

“I was trying to take blame, but sure, you can take it if you want to.” He grinned, that accent sounded familiar.

He removed his glasses and took off his hood. In a instant I caught onto who he was. Harry.

“Why hello again.” He smiled and titled his head to the side a little.

“Uh hi, we meet again.” I smiled, instantly getting shy.

“Looks like we were going to see each other again.” He winked.

I laugh awkwardly, wow am I blushing? Arg.

“Your now in London airport wow.” He said.

“Yeah, I know.” I giggled.

“Hey Harry. We gotta get going mate.” Zayn called.

“Yep, all right.” Harry nodded in Zayn's direction, before turning back to me.

“Hey sorry I've really got to get going. Before our very adoring fans, come after us.” Harry pointed to a bunch of girls, more than 100 fan girls being held back by security guards.


“Hey! I know you, you're the girl with that gorgeous hair!” Niall exclaimed. Awh.


“What are you doing here in the London airport love?” Liam asked.

“I flew here just before, I've got a friend to move into with here.” I smiled.

“Oh wow.”

“BOYS.” Paul yelled, tapping his wrist watch.

“Sorry, we're coming.”

“Bye sweetie, we gotta get scooting.” Liam rolled his eyes.

“Goodbye Delilah. Might see you around LONDON!” Harry shouted the last bit, as he pulled faces while Louis dragged Harry along with him, towards Paul.

Wow how cute, Harry actually remembered MY name!

I laughed and turned to go to the café.

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