Chapter 31: The Chestnut Haired Boy

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What does he think he’s doing? Ugh! Calm down Delilah, I ordered myself. You’re just overreacting.

Victoria came up behind me, but her eyes quickly widened in shock when she saw Harry. “Woah, was he just with another girl? I thought…I…” She kept looking back between me and him, still in a state of bewilderment. I sighed in defeat.

“I thought that too.” I muttered under my breath. She raised an eyebrow and shook her head in disapproval.

“If he’s doing what I think he’s doing, that’s just...So wrong,” She scoffed.

She placed her hand on my back soothingly, obviously trying to make myself feel better. “Hey, its alright. Go take a few minutes break. I’ll look after everything myself up here.” I tried to force a smile onto my face, but it came on as a grimace instead.

I quietly thanked her and took my apron off, hanging it on the side of the counter. I looked around at the shop for somewhere to sit, but the place was packed full to the brim.

I walked past a few tables full of people as I saw a boy with brown shaggy hair, a red beanie, and a red plaid shirt with a pair of jeans, sitting on the far end of corner.

I craned my neck to catch a glimpse of his face. Then, I began to walk towards him.

“Hi, do you mind if I sit here for a few minutes?” I asked shyly as I gestured to the seat across from him at the table.

He looked up, his deep brown eyes burning into mine.

“Oh, yeah sure!” He smiled cheerfully. I smiled thankfully and sat down, resting my chin on the palm of my hand.

“Thanks. It’s just so busy in here, there’s nowhere else free.” I emphasized my point by waving a hand at the filled tables, but he seemed too lost staring at me. Did I have something on my face?

“Yeah, I know! It’s never usually that busy here.” He finally replied. I smiled, looking mesmerized by his eyes. He had a gorgeous pair of eyes.

“I really like your hair!” He admitted quietly, turning away with a blush. I bit my tongue to hold back a chuckle.

“Thank you! I like our matching shirts.” I pointed out, just noticing that we were both sporting red plaid. He glanced down at my attire, then laughed.

“You work here?” He asked, toying with the watch on his wrist.

“Yep,” I answered, leaning back into the chair.

“Me too!” His eyes lit up.

“Oh! We’re co-workers then.” I giggled.

“I-I’m George.” He stuttered.

“Delilah.” I replied shaking his hand.

“Aw, your hands are absolutely freezing!” He complained, pouting playfully. He took his hands and started rubbing them together. I watched, wondering what he was doing.

“Here, hold out your hands,” He instructed, as he covered my hands in his really warm ones.

“Better?” He smiled as I nodded.

“Where are you from?” He asked, brushing his hair back. “Your accent sounds quite differently from the common London accent.”

“Cheshire.” I answered.

“Ohh, I’m from Bristol.” He remarked.

I looked out the water drenched windows as I suddenly remembered the bad thoughts that were swirling around my head only a second ago. A finger poked me, snapping me from my thoughts.

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