Chapter 30: Why Would He

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“Well Perrie’s bringing the extra blankets; you’ll be the one to go to the supermarket later on, so you're the food supplier.” Nadia paused for a moment, and then added, “You’ll also be helping out Niall and Louis to get the movie.” She jotted down the plans on a sheet of paper.

“Right!” I nodded as I scooped the last bits of cereal into my mouth. I then dumped the bowl into the sink, just as Harry was finishing with the dishes.

“You know some sleepover parties don’t always have to be organized THAT much.” Harry scoffed. My snort was an attempt to cover up the laugh.

“Yeah, but this party is a party I’m planning.” Nadia shot defensively. She took a bite out of her toast and rolled her eyes.

“Have you texted Aria the plans and time?” She asked, turning to me.

“Yep,” I replied, sitting down.

“Good...So have you got work today?” Nadia asked whilst combing her hair up into a ponytail.

“I do, it’s only a 3 hour shift though.” I admitted sheepishly.

“Well the boys could pick you up after and go and get the movie and food with you.” Nadia implied. I sighed in exasperation.

“Okay, okay! Enough with the plans,” I laughed.

“You want this party to be a failure or a good one?” She challenged, crossing her arms across her chest.

“One that has some light hearted fun!” I replied as I began to get up from my seat to go back to the bedroom.

I pulled out my laptop, turned it on, and sat down on the bed.While I waited for it to load up, I went into the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth and get dressed for the day. I slipped on a pair of jeans, a white singlet, and a plaid shirt.

Sitting back down, I began to sign into my email.

There was nothing much there, mostly spam and junk, but I came across an email from my boss, the night of the advanced shift.

I heard a front door slam as I checked the time. 7:26 A.M. I need to leave now.

I shut my laptop and I placed it on the desk before grabbing my bag and racing out the door, hopping down the stairs, two at a time

 Nadia just about to leave the house, all rigged up in a rain coat and boots. A bright red umbrella was in her hand.

Great, how couldn’t I have noticed it was pouring out here? I sighed as I rubbed my hands together.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Waiting for Niall to pick me up. We’re gonna go and pick up Perrie and everyone else,” She told me. “How are you gonna get to work?”

“I actually don’t know. Did Harry already leave?” I asked.

“Yeah just 5 minutes ago…sorry.” She shrugged.

“Darn it…” I muttered. Why would he leave without me? He said he’d drop me off yesterday.

“We can go past Starbucks and drop you off?” Nadia suggested. I shook my head and declined the offer.

“That’s the opposite way to where you are going, its fine I’ll just walk,” I offered.

“Well here, take this.” Nadia handed me her umbrella.

“Thanks.” Right on cue, a car honked from our driveway.

“Okay I gotta go now! Call us if you need anything.” Nadia yelled after me as she ran across out in a hurry and hopped into the car.

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