Chapter 25: Hate

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Waiting in the car for Nadia, Louis and Zayn to come back wasn't what I had in mind of doing today. Since we didn't want to stay in the mall, chatting for hours with Nadia's old friend, half of us decided to go to the car.

I had actually planned on buying some things to make my room more like home.. but looks like I don't have a choice.

I leaned on the car arm rest as I watched the rain drops fall down the windows outside, as if they were tear drops falling down someone’s long droopy face.

Niall was in the front seat surfing through the radio stations trying to find a good song. He was annoying filling the car with loud music until he found Cruel and finally left the radio alone.

I looked to the back seats to see Lux had climbed over from her baby seat and was playing around with Perrie's phone, while Harry had moved to the row of seats next to me and was on the opposite side of Lux's car seat.

He looked so beautiful like he had just stepped out of some dream. He had his head resting in his hand and was leaning against the door. His hair was slightly hiding his face, but you could faintly see it, his eyes scrolling along something he was reading online.

He glanced over to me all of a sudden as if he sensed me watching him, and I quickly looked back out of my window.

Damn Delilah, don't act like a weirdo like that. I quickly shot a goofy smile in his direction and instantly blushed. Great, like that made it soo much better.

Niall turned the radio down a little before he popped his head over the passengers seat to see me.

“So, how have you enjoyed London so far?” He asked with a wide grin plastered on his face.

I look up to him and smiled as I shrugged,

“I've actually really enjoyed it so far. To be honest it's much more exciting than my life back at home.”

“What did you do back at home?” He rested his chest on the head rest. I giggled, as he winked. What's he winking for?

“Um, well school? I had a little job, that was about all really. I went into town with Valerie every weekend and we slept over at each others houses basically every night.”

He nodded his head and slowly slid back down in his seat.

“Do you have any job plans, in London I mean.” He asked as everyone seemed to have drawn in on the conversation and started listening.

“I got a new job at Starbucks actually,” I mentioned.

“Oh wow, that's great. Does it start on Monday?” He asked. Wow what's with all the questions?

“Yeah, early morning Monday.” I admitted as I pulled my legs up onto the seat and sunk down into the back.

“I had a job once at Starbucks.... it sucked.” Niall muttered as Harry shot him a glare.

“Don't be jealous Niall,” He scoffed as he gave me a reassuring smile.

“Do you like wearing boots?” I heard someone ask from my side, I glanced over as Harry gestured to my shoes.

“Oh erm yeah...” I replied. “It's always what I find myself wearing; them or just Toms.”

“Oh yes.” He smiled, his dimples showing. “Louis is obsessed with Toms, but your a girl after my own heart.” He winked as I lightly smiled.

Damn it Delilah, he's only wanting to start up a conversation with you. And you go and just drop it like that, SAY SOMETHING ELSE.

I mentally shake that annoying little voice from my head.

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