Chapter 11: Late Night

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~Louis' P.O.V ~

“Bye El, I love you too.” I said into my phone before she hung up.

My house seemed so quiet now that I was back home from Harry's. It was night time and the whole house was pitch black, the only light that lit the room was my little bedside lamp.

Me and Eleanor had been talking for ages and while I was on the phone, my wardrobe cupboard kept on creaking and I swore I saw it move once or twice, I tried my hardest not to get freaked out while I was talking to El.

I wished I was still on the phone to Eleanor, I had wanted to see her that day but she was working till 6. I hadn't seen her in ages and I missed her; we had only just gotten back home from our Take Me Home Tour, which was finally finished after 6 months of non-stop concerts. It had really drained me out and I was glad it was time for a break and time off.

Of course I wasn't the only one touring the whole world and missing my girlfriend, Zayn and Liam were missing theirs too. That's why I came up with the idea to host tea at my place the following night.

I lay  in bed, wasted on what to do at 2:00 in the morning.. I had been texting everyone about the dinner but they had all gone to bed and left me to do nothing.

I turned over on my side and tried to close my eyes and drift off to sleep, unfortunately it wasn't that easy, especially while my neighbours continued with their drum playing. You would have thought Calum Hood and Ashton Irwin were living next door, but it was just two average dudes that play in a band.

Even if they weren't playing their drums, I probably still would have found it hard to sleep. There was thousands of thoughts running through my mind, particularly about Delilah, my cousin. My mum is her mum's sister, we've always lived so far away from each other, so we only saw each like once every two years, if we were lucky.

We were gonna move over to Holmes Chapel, where Delilah and her parents lived, but then my Mum and Delilah's Mum fell out over basically nothing and we never did move after that. I wasn't even allowed to talk about anything to do with Delilah's family. Years went by and I have been wondering to this day what Delilah was like now, Delilah was the only cousin I had in the world.

I didn't realise I was half asleep until I heard a loud crash noise downstairs. I quickly threw my blankets off and shot to the staircase.

“Hello?” I yelled, as I came to the bottom of the stairs. I grabbed a random umbrella from the box next to me, not that it would really help me much.

I slowly crept to where the main light switch was and turned it on quickly. I squinted as the whole room lit up.

I looked around and saw something black move under the dinner table. I slowly tip-toed over and heard a sudden croaky noise which made me doubt that it was a burglar.

I knelt down on my knees and I see my little kitten purring and trying to be cute flopping all over the ground.

“Oh Westy! It was just you.” I frowned as I grabbed her and stood up.

“I thought you were a burglar, what did you knock down then to make such a racket.” I whispered to myself as I looked around and caught sight of a box lying emptied out on the ground.

“West.” I sighed, putting her back down in her little bed box that was by the door.

I went over and picked up everything and placed it back in the box before shoving it back in the closet. I was just about to switch the lights off again when I felt something soft brush around my legs and a meowing came.

“You're hungry at this time of night? Your just like a cat version of Niall.” I muttered before going to the fridge and getting out the milk as I filled her saucer up.

“There you go.”

I left the kitchen light on and turned off all the rest before making my way up the stairs again.

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