Chapter 26: The Fair

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“So.. erm do you need lifts when you start your job at Starbucks?” Harry asked as he rested his hands on his legs and glanced up at me.

His eyes seem to start sparking an emerald green and I quickly looked away before I got lost in them for the hundredth time.

He smiled as he raised his hands slightly, gesturing for an answer because I had gone completely silent.

“Oh um...” I pondered, suddenly not knowing what to say. What’s wrong with me.

He raised an eyebrow and smirked, “I'll take that as a yes then. What time of the morning to you have to be there?”

“7.” I stated.

“Well, I'll drive you there about 6:40 then. So we can grab a coffee before your shift starts.” He nodded in accomplishment.

I smiled, “Thanks. But I soon should really consider getting myself a car.”

“Why? You have mine..” He murmured.

“No,” I giggled, “You have your own things to do and places to go, it's your car! I hate being the pain in the butt.”

“No way!! I want you to be your chauffeur.” He playfully pouted.

“So I'm not gonna be a pain?” I asked, as he shook his head.

“Nope, definitely not.” He crinkled his nose up and sunk back into his seat.

I smirked, “Nadia can always give me lifts too.” I said as I placed my fork back down on my empty plate, that was filled with spaghetti only two seconds ago.

To tell you the truth, I've never been the massive fan of anything to do with pasta. But tonight was surprisingly an exception.

“What?” Harry said, as he snapped me back into reality and he furrowed his eyebrows. “Nadia hasn't got a car.”

“Yes!! She's got that black Toyota Highlander.” I implied.

“That's Niall's car..” He smirked as my mouthed shaped as 'o' as he started laughing.

“Are we all finished here?” He asked, his laughter calming down and he gestured to the table.

“Oh yeah.” I said as he nodded and sat up.

“Let's go then.” He smiled and I pushed back my chair as it made loud screech against the patio pavement. I shrugged off everyone's stares as I stood up and swung my bag on my shoulder and followed Harry back through the restaurant.

After Harry finished paying for our meals at the counter, we walked off out the restaurant doors, before heading off for his car.

He brushed his hair to the side as he slotted his keys into the drivers door and we both plummeted into our seats.

“What do you want to do now, my lady?” He grinned as he shut his door and turned to me.

“Uhh.. what time is it?” I asked and he turned the car ignition on as the digital clock showed up on the dashboard. 4:15pm.

“Didn't Nadia say she was gonna be back around 5 or 6?” I mentioned as he frowned and turned the key to start the car.

“Nadia says things, she doesn't necessary sticks to them.” He laughed. “But even if she did come back early or whatever, do you really want to catch them kissing.. you know?”

“HARRY!” I gasped as we both started laughing.

“Heey, I know what we could do!” Harry exclaimed as he pulled into the highway.

“What?” I smiled as his eyes focused on the road, the traffic flying past.

“There's a fair going on it town!!” He cheered. “We could go there!”

“Oh my god, I LOVE fairs!” I beamed as a small smile tugged on his face.

“I know.” He smirked as he turned an intersection.

Oh lord, you seriously don't know how much I love fairs. Ever since I was a kid, the cheerful memories of all the games, the rides and the bright colourful lights surrounding you. The sweet smell of candy floss and popcorn filling the atmosphere.

My Aunt would always take me to them every year and I would literally have the best time of my life.

But when her husband, my Uncle John, passed away from a cancer attack, she stopped her visits to England. Which meant I never saw her since. She called once and while and we talked for hours, but it wasn't the same.

I was brought back to the present as Harry pulled me out of the car. We were at the park, and I could already hear the fair music wafting through the warm air.

He grinned at my excitement, plastered on my face. Not being able to contain my happiness. The only thing I could think to do was lean in and hug him tightly. “I love you so much for this.”

He seemed to freeze as soon as I pecked his warm cheek. And I giggled a little as I pulled away from the embrace as Harry shut my door with his foot.

“Great, here comes company.” He breathed out, eyeing up a crowd behind us.

I turned around and instantly recognised a couple in the group of people.

“Oh hey guys!!” Perrie beamed as her and Zayn approached us.

“Hey!” I waved, Harry doing the same but more awkwardly.

“Vas' Happening?” Zayn cried as we all laughed lightly.

“Not much,” Harry paused, “I just thought I'd take Delilah out for the afternoon.” He finished off, before burying his hands in his jean pockets.

“Aw, well we'll leave you two then.” Perrie winked as Zayn smirked at Harry, who was rocking back and forth on his boots and looking to the ground.

“Byee guys, have a good time!” I grinned.

“You too.” Perrie smiled and they both waved at us, before making their way off.

“Soo..” Harry said, “What do you wanna do first?”

“Um.. oh my god. The rollercoaster!!” I cheered and he looked down to the grass again and then back up at me.


“What?” I asked as he shifted uncomfortably.

“Are you afraid of rollercoaster rides?” I mentioned as he scratched the back of his neck and nodded.

“I can hold your hand if you want.” I added and he looked a little relieved, as he bit his lip slightly and took my hand in his.

I smiled up at him as he pulled his beanie down his forehead a little before we went off towards the bright array of lights and the sound of fair rides. We made our way across the field of grass, as my shoes started to sink into the wet soil underneath.

“Ahh, my shoes are sinking!” Harry playfully shrieked, taking the words right from my mouth.

“I was just about to say that.” I laughed.

“Awesome minds think a like.” He winked and I looked back ahead of us again.

London Lights // Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now