Chapter 27: Cute Dates

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~Nadia's P.O.V (Point Of View)~

After an hour of derping around after Delilah and Harry left, I finally decided to get ready before Niall turned up on my doorstep. Right now, I was in no state to see him. I literally looked like a dirtbag.

Ha! Dirtbag!

I decided on my favorite black Romones t-shirt and skinny jeans, with a pair of white Vans. I was going to settle with my converse, but someone spilt cat food on them... Let's just say no one likes to show up for a date smelling like fish.

Oh wow, did I just call this a date? I shook my head and laughed at my foolishness.

Is it..? Or is it just a casual hang out? It Certainty didn't seem like just a 'friendly get-together'... The way he turned up at my door looking smart and might I add, extremely hot like always, with a bunch of flowers in his hand…I giggled at how sweet he had been.

Wait—Who is that tapping on my shoulder? Giddy from all the Niall thoughts, I didn’t realize that it was Niall himself! I jumped and snapped back to reality, shaking all the fantasies from my head.

 “What?” I laughed, turning his way. Only half of his face was visible, due to the dark surroundings of the movie theater.

“You were kinda staring into space... and this movie is boring.” He pouted, leaning back into his seat.

“First off, stop staring at me and watch the movie you creepy Irish guy!  And two, just because you don't like it... doesn't mean I'd think the same.” I stuck out my tongue at him quite immaturely.

“Uggghhh,” He groaned in annoyance as he flung his head back, getting a kid angry in the process because apparently Niall was blocking his view. He simply huffed and apologised before resuming to complain about the film.

“What’s up boo?” I giggled as I poked his cheek.

“This!” He half shouted, half whispered, gesturing to the movie that was playing on the screen.

“Who says you had to watch it?” I smirked as he took my hand in his.

“I wasn't watching the movie most of the time…” He confessed. I paused and frowned. What did he mean by that?

“What were you watching then?” I raised an eyebrow, feeling curious.

“Yoouu beautiful!” He exclaimed, as if I should’ve known that. Niall blushed a deep crimson color while I just awed and returned my attention back to the screen.

“Are you actually serious? You like this movie?” He asked, looking at me with utter bewilderment. “This is for like 10 year olds!”

I ignored him and tried not to laugh. I hit his arm playfully and told him to be quiet for the billionth time.

Okay, so we were originally planning on seeing The Book Thief, but the family that was waiting in line in front of us got the last tickets. Not wanting to just bail on this…date, we just went for the Lego movie instead, seeing that it was the only one that wasn’t about to be sold out.

I really didn't mind it, but apparently, Niall thought differently. You would think since he's a boy and all, that he'd actually like it better than me.

I mean…Come on! It’s Lego for God’s sake!

Feeling my phone vibrate against my jean pockets, I quickly pulled it out and tried to hide the brightness of the iPhone screen behind my hands to avoid getting kicked out of the theater. An icon had popped up, informing me of a new text message.

Nialler: I think u and that brown haired lego dude would be perfect for each other. OTP hey? ;) xx'

I opened my mouth to scold him, but I caught myself last minute, remembering that we were supposed to stay silent during the movie. So instead, I shot him my best death glare, while he attempted to hold in his laugh.

“Nice one.” I hissed, throwing him a smirk. Not able to contain himself, he burst out laughing, while I immediately jumped over and tried to cover his mouth up.

“Young man can you please be quiet?” An old lady sitting in the row in front of us asked sternly, glancing down at the five year old boy next to her. I quickly apologized for Niall’s behaviors and reminded him again to be quiet. 

About five minutes later, he began making fun of the elderly woman that had told him off, making faces and giving her constant bunny ears.

I tried to hold in my snorts of laughter. “Niall, okay stop! Otherwise you'll be caught.” I whispered, though I only half meant it.

He crossed his arms and legs and shrugged, and tried his hardest to hold in his laughter, his eyes suddenly fixed to the screen.

“I'm just gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be back in a second,” I told him, getting up from my seat.

I tried to climb over him to get to the exit, but ended up getting one of my feet stuck in the corner of his chair. I pulled, but my feet wouldn’t come free. Finally, with one last yank, I managed to escape, but not without accidentally kicking him in the face.

Niall yelled out a string of curses in pain, causing parents from right and left to flash him disapproving looks.

“Oh my god, I'm so sorry!!” I whispered as he held his nose with his hand.

“It's o-okay.” He grunted, his voice coming out all funny due to the bleeding.

“Are you okay?” I asked as I knelt down next to him. I noticed blood smeared across his face and on his hands.

“What’s wrong?” He said as he surveyed my face in confusion, oblivious to the fact that he had a bloody nose.

“Your nose is bleeding quite a bit.” I mumbled, feeling even more guilty.

“Ouch,” He groaned as he rubbed his nose, wincing every now and then.

“I'm so sorry Niall.” I apologized softly, cupping his face in my hands. “Come to the bathroom with me and I'll get you all cleaned up.”

He nodded as I took his hand and we made our way down the stairs and through the quiet halls to the bathrooms.

I pushed open the bathroom doors and went up to the sinks; I grabbed a paper towel and handed it to him after he'd finished rinsing his face. As he dried his face, his bright purple and red tinged nose was more visible now.

I put my hand up to his cheek again as I examined his face. He'd be the only one in the world that would still look absolutely perfect even with a bruised up nose, I thought with a small laugh.

“I'm sorry about kicking you in the face. Not really the sort of things to do on an outing together.” I whispered as I brushed my hand over his nose gently.

“It's okay.” He breathed back, seeming slightly breathless.

My eyes caught with his big ocean blue eyes as a small smile played across his face.

Before I knew what I was doing, I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my lips on his, as he instantly froze.

Author's Note: So if you just read that, you're an amazing person! This update has taken soo long, I know and I apologise. But anyway, hope you enjoyed this double-update.

I just wanna give a shoutout to my four biggest fans! @bubblebutt0 @iheartr5 @nadialynn and @mpz1023 :)) Love you guys! <3

hehe nadiall is cute I thought

Alright, I'm off now!! And until next time... good byee!

Question for the update: Favourite character in the story so far? (Answer in the comments below. Okay thank you!)

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