Chapter 4: Oh Hello

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The sun has finally came out to show it's self again this morning.

I smiled as the warm sunshine shone down on me as I walked along the footpath.

I'd decided to take a little early morning walk. I was wearing a while floral dress, with a pair of brown boots. There was a nice, warm wind slowly blowing. Which made my dress brush side to side. (no not up and down, thankfully).

I was going to do a little shopping.


I'd been browsing a lot of small shops and stalls for about an hour now, and my hands couldn't carry any more bags.

I had brought a few.. okay I lie. A LOT of things that took my fancy, and now I'm going to give the supermarket a quick visit for Mum.

After getting everything on the small list I had, I made my way to the checkout.

The person on the counter was a girl, with almost white blonde hair. She instantly reminded me of Rapunzel, but I kept that thought to myself since I didn't want to offend anybody.

“Hello.” She friendly greeted.

“Hi.” I smiled and placed the grocery basket down on the conveyor belt.

“Did you hear about that famous boyband being in Holmes Chapel earlier this morning?” She asked as she started scanning the groceries.

“Oh yeah, I did.” I replied as I was going through my purse, trying to find my card.

“Everyone's making quite a big deal about it. It's been so long since someone famous has visited here. Obviously Harry was visiting Mum.” The girl said and I glanced up.

“Are you much of a fan?” I smiled.

“I might be!” She laughed.

“How did you find out about them being here?” I asked.

“It was in this mornings paper.” She replied, handing me the local paper.

“Oh could I grab this as well?” I asked, placing the paper back on the counter.

“Yeah sure.” The girl grinned.

Hah Valerie, now I've got you proof.

“Well you have a nice day.” I said as I passed the money over.

“Yes you too.” She smiled and handed me the receipt.

And with that, I grabbed the groceries and walked out.

Valerie was going to pick me up. I looked around for her, when I caught sight of someone waving at me from a shiny blue Mazda. Valerie.

I dashed over to the car and chucked the shopping bags into the boot. Then walked over to the passengers door and hopped in.

“Hi.” I said.

“Hello.” Valerie replied, starting the car up.

“Who's car this?” I asked, clicking my seat belt in.

“My Dad's,” She replied, “My Mum was using hers.”

I laughed, “I'm surprised your Dad let you borrow this!”

“Oh shut up Delilah.” She scoffed and turned the radio on.

“Oh here.” I said and threw her the news paper as she picked it up and read the front cover.

“Oh wow!” Her eyes widened.

“See?” I smirked.

“Okay okay, sorry for not believing you. Hey, did you get an autograph?” She asked, turning to me.

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