Chapter 20: Crying Again

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~Delilah's P.O.V (Point Of View)~

“Knock knock!” Harry said to me as I looked up from my phone.

“Who's there?” I asked, sitting at the end of his bed.


“Harry who?” I smirked.

“Harry up and let me in!” He laughed, as I laughed along with him for no reason, his laugh was just so cute.

My phone starts ringing in my pocket, as I take it out.

“Sorry,” I muttered getting up.

“No no, it's fine.” Harry replied, as I went and answered my phone out in the hallway.

“Hello?” I said.

“Hi, is this Delilah Lawrence?” A lady asked, some what concern in her voice.

“Um, yes. Who's calling?” I replied.

“I'm Stacy, calling from California's central hospital.” The lady said, my heart started beating faster, knowing my parents are holidaying in California right now.

“Wh-why are you calling?” I said barely getting my last words out of my lungs.

“I'm calling on behalf of your parents, Mr & Mrs Lawrence. They were in a three way car crash...” She stated, as my heart literally was pounding in my chest.

“And they died straight away. I'm sorry we didn't call you sooner. We were trying to get a hold of you.” The lady apologised.

No, they couldn't of died.

“D-died?” I said, trying not to cry cause there were a few nurses coming down the hall and being me, I hated people seeing me cry.

“I'm really sorry Miss Lawrence. We'll get back to you soon.” The lady replied.

“Okay, goodbye.” I said, before hanging up. I had to leave the phone before I burst out in tears.

Why? Why does this have to happen to me? I'm already in the hospital because of the boy's car crash and now my parents? I can't take it!

I couldn't hold back the tears any longer as they start falling from my eyes. I collapsed to the floor crying my heart out. This is too much for me to take in one day.

Harry's door suddenly opened as he looked at me in shock and shot right by my side, kneeling down.

“Are you okay Miss?” A nurse asked me, as I nodded and forced myself off the floor.

“Delilah? What's wrong?” Harry asked, grabbing my hand.

“Nothing, please don't worry about me.” I sniffed and I walked down the hall where the bathroom was.

I pushed the door open and went to the mirror.

I examined my face. My eyes were red and puffy. My face had tear marks.

I got a paper towel and got it wet, as I washed my face. Taking a few deep breaths, I calmed down a little. To think things over.

This is so not happening to me! My inside voice yelled at me.

Taking heaps of deep breaths to calm myself down, I finally leave the bathroom and go back to Harry's room.

I opened the door quietly and closed it behind me, as I went and sat on the end of my bed, Harry watching my every move.

“Are you okay love?” He asked worried.

“I'm fine.” I lied, as I discretely wiped my eyes and lay down.

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