Chapter 8: Let it Burn

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Lauren possessed the innate ability to change everything about me. It was hard to admit, but things didn't seem to be as bad as they were before. My spine was a little straighter, eyes a little brighter, and outlook a little more positive when it came to most things, everyday or otherwise.

At school, I would fight just a little harder to stay focused, and keep both eyes away from the hands of the clock, and on the relevant information on the board. Most of the time it was a lost cause, but an attempt nonetheless. At home, I divided the remainder of my time between exercising my writing brain, watching Lauren paint, sex, and leftover schoolwork. With her around, things seemed easier.

So naturally, when she scored a decent job working in retail downtown, I was reluctant to let her go through with it. But then again, I had no say in the decisions she made, despite how much it seemed like I did.

"Here." She said to me one rainy Friday afternoon. Extended in her hand was an envelope, blank save for her last name written neatly in the middle. I took it curiously, peeling the seal open and removing the object inside. It was a cheque, made out to her, marked for a solid amount of money.

"Lauren. This is your paycheque."

"Camila. I think it's safe to say what's mine is yours. You've offered me a life. It's about time I paid you back for it."

I wrapped my arms around her, placing the money into the back pocket of her jeans as I did so. "It's yours. You earned this. And you very much deserve it."

A soft smile spread to her face, and I couldn't help but plant a kiss just at the corner of her mouth. "There are lots of things I don't deserve." She murmured. "You are definitely one of them."

The 'what's mine is yours' declaration became the norm around the apartment from that day on. Whatever life Lauren had prior to the last month or so, was nothing more, and the very same could be said for me. Our bond strengthened. I convinced myself that a feeling-free relationship was nothing to fear, and it wasn't like anything was shoved under the carpet. We would talk about love all the time, usually lying in bed with my head on her chest. Lauren would let herself get lost in the repercussions of emotions, how deep feelings left the human mind both vulnerable and fragile. I discovered that Lauren had the ability to understand the chaos in my mind, which was something that even the people closest to me couldn't do. 

It hadn't taken long for Lauren to become one of those people.

"Be good." I said to her, rounding the back of the couch and dropping a quick peck to the top of her head. "Dinah will be here in about an hour. Let her know she's welcome to anything in the fridge. If you don't she'll get fidgety. Oh, and if you need to get ahold of me I'll have my phone in my bra."

Lauren laughed, turning around and watching as I grabbed my small purse and jacket to pull over top of my dress. I had let my hair down and gotten her to help me curl it in equal waves around my face. Albeit damaging, the heat was doing a wonderful job of keeping it from being its normal wild mess. Adding a little bit of makeup, I topped off the outfit with a splash of perfume, and slipped into a pair of black heels.

"You look amazing." Lauren said to me, shifting her body so she was leaning on the back of the couch. "I feel like I should be acting like a proud mom and start taking pictures with an old fashioned camera."

"Don't you dare." I said sharply, pointing my phone at her as a knock sounded at the door. "I'll be back in a few hours. Be prepared to get in the car and come find me if it gets too far past midnight and I get stuck at some afterparty."

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