Chapter 51: In the Dark of Night

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"You promise?"

"I promise."

"Dinah, get up!" I burst into Normani's room the following morning without as much as a knock. "Come on, get up get up get up!"

"Mph." Dinah was buried under a mountain of covers, her head resting in her arms. Kicking off my boots, I leapt up on the bed and wriggled my body between her and Normani, shaking her shoulders.

"Get up DJ, we're gonna have some fun today." I chirped, climbing up and sitting on her body. Normani had rolled over groaning, and was in the midst of grabbing a pillow and slapping it over her ear.

"Give me ten more minutes, I'm still sleeping." Dinah grumbled, covering her eyes with her hands. "What time is it?"

"I don't know but I checked, and the sun isn't up yet so we still have tons of it." I grinned, shaking her body. "Come on, no more minutes. I'm going to teach you everything I know today."

"Good luck Dinah." Normani grumbled. "Have fun learning how to make that stupid fish face with your lips and eat your body weight in bananas."

"That is not everything I know." I pointed at her, despite her back facing me. "Now let's go. Get up!"

"Mila, I doubt the sun is even up yet. Go away and I'll find you later."

"No!" I whined, shaking her hard. "We're going now."




"Do you want me to start yelling at you in Spanish?" I warned, leaning in close to her ear and letting go of a low whistle. "Remember? The way my mom used to when we had those sleepovers and completely snoozed through our alarms?"

"I'm up." Dinah brought her arms out and thrust me off of her before rolling off the bed and to her feet. I fell back, pulling a small breathless sound from Normani as I released a triumphant laugh. After taking a few minutes in the bathroom to make herself look like a million bucks, Dinah re-emerged in a black v-neck and sweatpants, her blonde hair knotted up in a messy bun and eyes tired.

We were walking down the hall shoulder to shoulder a some time later. I had yanked my blades out of the downstairs wall and now the weapon sat right where it belonged in the holster around my hips. Dinah had an odd looking box in her hand and no matter how many times I asked her about it, she refused to give me an answer until we were safely in a training hall.

"So." Dinah stretched her arms out, opening and closing her fists. "What are we going to start with first? You want to see me make a bonfire?"

"You can do that?"

"I can try."

"Hold on, don't move!" I spun around and dashed out of the room, blowing down the hall and shouldering a storage room door open to grab a number of specific items worthy to my cause. I returned to see Dinah sitting crosslegged, on the ground before her was a pile of white hot coals.

"What did you get?" She asked, looking up and moving her hand so it hovered just over the heat.

"S'mores." I dumped the contents of my arms to the ground, the extent of which included a box of graham crackers, half a bag of marshmallows, and a bar of milk chocolate. I sat down on the others side of the coals, ripping the bag open and spearing a few white puffs on the end of a tall roasting fork.

"Oh Camila." Dinah sighed. "You're so quirky."

"I'm also hungry." I grinned, using my free hand to break a piece of chocolate off the bar and stack it on the cracker. "Crank the heat up a little bit."

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