Chapter 56: Love Only

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The light around us began to dim, and I could feel the sharp wind returning once more. My mother began to fade away, her soft smile and kind eyes lingering on me for only a moment more.

"I love you Cami."

The wind had picked up further, branches of trees now being snapped off without care and thrown into the mix. I didn't bother questioning how long I had been out, and instead rose to my feet and released a storm of gold lightning into the air. It became easier to move through Lauren's field, the pain from the air current negated thanks to my new medical abilities.

I approached Lauren, kneeling down at her side and placing a hand on her shoulder. I could feel the warmth of her skin through her thin shirt, and took a deep breath before giving her a gentle squeeze.

"Lauren." I murmured, leaning in so my lips were only inches from her ear. "Look at me."

There was no response, so carefully, I reached down and wrapped my arms around her, tucking her head against my chest. "Lauren." I repeated, pressing her close. "You can stop now."

The girl finally obeyed, lifting her head slowly and turning her empty green gaze to me. The minute we made contact, her eyes widened in shock, and her body uncurled to turn and frown lightly.

"Camila?" She questioned, the natural rasp in her voice barely audible over the wind. "Is that you? W—what happened?"

"You need to stop." I ignored her question, trailing my hands down and taking hers within it. "Everything you're doing now. Please."

Quickly, she uncurled her fists and inhaled, her torso rising and falling. The wind around us slowly began to die down and the forest was left to the rumbling storm above.

"Everything's okay." I breathed, placing my hand on her knee. "It's nothing like when you were young. The fight is over."

"Camila... your eyes." The girl replied, still gazing at me. "What happened to your eyes?"

"What do you mean?" I frowned, lifting an eyebrow just in time for Dinah, Ally and Normani to all rush towards us and encircle Lauren. All three of them looked exhausted, wounded and in pain, but there were smiles on their faces.

"Lauren!" Dinah exclaimed. "Thank god you're okay..."

"We were so worried." Normani added, placing a hand on her arm. "Don't ever scare us like that again, alright?"

"You're all hurt." Lauren's voice was small. "Did... I do all this?"

"No." Ally replied confidently. "None of that matters, we're safe for now."

"Shawn..." The green eyed girl whimpered. "What happened?"

"He died Lauren." I informed her, moving both of my hands onto her forearms and emitting the soft blue light that they all knew belonged to him. I could feel the energy in my body shift, and a peaceful, calming sensation fell over me. "Exactly as he lived, protecting the people he loved the most."

"His healing." Ally marvelled. "I have no idea how he made the transfer, but I'm sure we can figure it out. It looks like it's yours now."

Lauren just closed her eyes, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks. She didn't speak, only turned away from me the moment her strength had returned.

While the four girls began to reassure her, I got up and looked around, searching for signs of Lucy. She had been blown back as well, but unlike the rest of us, there was no sign of her body anywhere. Panicked, I rushed towards the edge of the gorge and peered down, just in time to see her gripping the side of the rock and trying to keep herself from sliding down further.

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