Chapter 62: The Dragonfly's Butterfly

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"Alejandro Cabello?" Mike was looking over Lauren's shoulder at the other man as well. "What a sight for sore eyes. What are you doing here old friend?"

"Mike Jauregui." My father replied, stepping forward and exchanging a hearty handshake with the man. "My youngest and I are in town for a service. My daughter's friend." He answered. "We just arrived early this morning."

"Ah, so Camila is yours." Mike nodded, looking down at me with a kind smile. "When I met her, I knew I saw something familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it until long after she had left. It's good to see you again," He then placed a hand on Lauren's shoulder. "Both of you."

"Wait." I blinked, looking from my father over to Mike, then to his kids who looked equally as confused. "The two of you know each other? How? Oh dear god, please don't tell me Lauren and I are related."

"Oh not to worry, you aren't." Mike laughed. "You father is an old friend of mine, we've known each other for quite a long time now."

"Mike attended your mother's funeral." My father added, nodding at me. "I don't think you managed to meet him face to face, but he was there."

"Yes." Mike nodded. "I remember meeting your little sister, but somehow you managed to elude me."

Connections started to appear in my head, links that hadn't existed before suddenly appearing before me begging to be deciphered further. Looking at Lauren, the girl was nearly white as she also processed the information.

"So what brings the three of you over here this afternoon?" My father continued, granting me a sidelong glance of amusement.

"Actually I'm here to speak to Lauren." Mike replied, looking at the stunned fledgling. "The three of us are that is. We heard that you had returned, and I wanted to thank you personally for everything you did."

"Daddy!" Sofi's voice blasted through the area, catching everyone's attention. "Can I go with Gina and Dinah for lunch?! They said they'd be happy to have me!"

"I'll go tend to her." My father said apologetically, taking the pink backpack out of my hands. "Mike, you and I must catch up while we're in town."

"Absolutely." Mike pointed at the man as he walked across the parking lot to where Sofi was looking up with big, hopeful eyes. Turning back to the two of us, he smiled at me. "Your little sister seems to have quite a bit of energy."

"Yeah, it kinda runs in the family." I shrugged. "How did you know Lauren and I were back in Miami?"

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me." The man replied, a small sparkle in his eye. "I'm very sorry that you lost someone on this journey, both of you have our deepest condolences."

"Thank you." Lauren was the one to reply, her hand wrapping around my arm. "But I don't think I deserve them. I didn't... really end up doing what I wanted to."

"Lauren." I pulled away and turned to her, a warning note in my voice.

"Lauren." Mike repeated, his deep voice laced with a latin accent was extremely comforting. "You mustn't beat yourself up for the way fate twisted your time there. I can see from the shift in your eyes, and that scar over your heart that you did exactly what my wife wished you to."

"There's no need to worry Lauren." Taylor added, stepping forward with a bright smile on her face. "Dad hasn't really told us the full extent of whatever's going on here, but I know that he's proud of you. We all are." She then shuffled over to elbow her brother in the ribs. "Right Christopher?"

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