Chapter 18

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"Oh my lord, increase me in knowledge!" {Quran- 20:114}

Those of you who still go to school, understand that constant struggle.  I like learning, but with learning, comes a lot of tests. May Allah, make yours' and my learning experience easier, and give us sabr to deal with our studies because the struggle is too real. Ameen.

Enjoy the chapter! :D

Rahmat's POV

Me and Aseef, quietly ate our dinner. No one spoke.

It was the peaceful type of silence.

Once in a while, we'd make eye contact, but then we'd just keep eating.

After I told him about my childhood, he'd quieted down and hasn't given a reaction since.

I've tried to keep a straight face throughout it all, but honestly, telling him about it, had been the hardest thing ever.

I don't know what to say, or to do.

Neither does he.

"I dislike silence" he muttered, breaking the silence.


"You know, I never understood why things in life were so complex. Its like all the bad people have it good. And all the good people have it bad" he said with a slight edge.

I looked at him, with a blank stare, and he did the same.

"How come all these things happen to those who don't deserve it? The good shit happens to the worst people" he said, anger slowly becoming present in his voice.

"Aseef, calm down..." I said.

I intertwined my fingers with his and somehow, he managed to instantly calm down.

He looked and me, and his expression softened. I smiled.

"These things happen to the best of people, to test their limits, to see if they are really as amazing as they seem" I said.

"Aliza..." he whispered.

"Exactly, she was an amazing person and she went through a lot...but there is not much we can do...but pray for her..."

"Praying will forever be shit. Its all shit we've been fooled to believe" he said.

He let go of my hand and stormed out.

I sighed.

I pray that he will listen. He always seems to block everything and everyone out.

I hate when people do that. I hate when he does it.

Doesn't he know I care about him?

I swear, I myself, am about to throw a huge tantrum.

I buried my face in my hands and groaned. Why is he so damn complicated?

After a while of eating, I cleaned up and went ahead to go pray.

It was the final prayer of the day, and the perfect way to relax and unwind. It was the perfect way to forget about the world and how reality is horrible.

And so I did. I let myself rewind a bit, and made a lot of dua.

Oh Allah, pleas protect Aseef and guide him on the right path! Don't lead him to astray and instead allow him to realize that he isn't alone.

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