Chapter Three

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Lilianna's P.O.V.

I have been working here for about three weeks now. I liked the job honestly. I fixed my ponytail dabbing chapstick on my lips before getting off my car.

Once I came closer to the door, my stomach gave me this weird uneasy feeling. My heart began racing what the hell? I was getting anxious by each step I made. I walked in side clocking in and putting in my name tag on heading over to the back to put my purse down and get ready. It only took me five minutes Sarah had gotten the day off so it would just be me and one of the workers Damian. In the front. Hopefully he gets here on time.

This time today was slow not much people came in usually about five people would be in due to lunch hour since it is about 12. I turned around my back against the register I sighed. The door bell rang as I turned around quickly to take whomever has walked insides' order. "Hi, welcome to Starbucks how may I take your?" I said tapping the screen clearing to take the man's order. I looked up at him. Johnson?! "Hi can I have a.. caramel frap and a-" "I'll order for myself Johnson." Nate!? Oh my God what's happening. They left with Jack. Did they come back? If they're here he has to be here?. "I'll have an order of you." Nate said. "Bro." Derek said watching me. Derek, Johnson, Maloley.!? Where's Wilk and Gilinsky?! Wilkinson was the asshole out of all of them.

"I'm sorry I'm not on the menu. And if I was in wouldn't take your order." I responded. "Daym Lil mama gotta mouth" He laughed. You just recognize me that's all Maloley. "Do you not recognize her?!" Derek said "am I supposed to?" Nate asked "Lilianna." "Will that be all?" I asked Johnson "You know what. Cancel the order." He said walking towards the exit. As they followed him the only one who didn't was Derek. I ignored his presence and cleared the screen.

"Lil." "That's not my name" "Lilianna." I looked at him annoyed. "How are you?" "I hate all of you." I glared at anger filling me. I was going to end up crying because that's how it ends when I get angry "the whole Jack thing." "If you're not here to order anything have a nice day." I said walking to the tables to wipe them down. "Just don't tell anyone you saw me." He nodds as he left. No one by Jack and Sammy knowing him he would only come to be an asshole. Like he always was.

I saw as they left Johnson looking angry. He hated me for telling everyone why Jack and I didn't get married. Everyone like, the people who were at the ceremony. I didn't care though. My heart fell at the memory. I can't hurt. This was two years ago. Jack probably doesn't even remember me. "Lilianna.. you okay?" I nodd in hadn't realized I was crying. I wiped away the fallen tears but more came. "Go on home. I'll take over." My boss said I nod walking to clock out. A faint sob leaving my mouth. I quickly grabbed everything leaving home.

Thankfully Vivian was here and she came to comfort me quickly "What happened?!" She asked worriedly "I saw Johnson, Maloley & Luh." I mummbled "What did they say or do?!" She asked. "Nothing.. i was fine then his friends show up and for some reason some part of me hopes I now run into Jack." I said my voice failing. "I hadn't cried over this in so long why am I crying now?!" I layed my head down on her lap. She combed through my hair. "Maybe because you still have some type of feelings left." "Haha the only feeling I feel is hate. I hate him." I said she sighed "You can say that but not mean it" "or I can say it and mean it." I argued "sure." I sighed as tears slid down my face slowly.

We were so happy. What could have gone wrong? What made him go cheat with our maide of honor.? I can't think of this. He probably doesn't even remember me or think of me. I just wish I was able to move on to the next guy in my path but I had made sure that path was closed and now I regret it. I stood "I'm going to sleep." "Do you always skip dinner?" I nodd "sometimes." I say continuing my way up the shiny stairs.

You can't miss him or even think about him Lilianna. You hate him.

I scolded myself laying in my covers.

Hate ♢ Jack Gilinsky ◇ {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now