Twenty six

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Lilly's p.o.v

I held my dad's hand patiently waiting for lab results. It's been two weeks of the incident and since then I've been trying to be a mom and the best daughter I could be.

"How's the baby?" He asked "she's doing good. Jack seriously is so in love with her." I smile "good, I knew he'd be a good dad." He smiled, "she has grown so much though." I frown. "Just cherish the moments.." he smiled "you'll miss them when they're gone" he said

I nodded "Martinez" a nurse called. My dad stood, "I'll be back pumpkin." He said I nodded smiling, I could only hope for the best.


"I'll see Thursday." I told him, "no. I already told you stay home and spend time with your family." "They can come with us." He sighed "lilly bug, I love you. I appreciate your help but please. Spend time with your baby." I sigh "alright. See you Friday." I smile "lilly." He scolded "I know." I say.

"Bye bug" he hugged me "bye dad." He waved closing the door behind him. I drove away heading home.


"Hi baby" I cooed cradling her in my hands "you smell like daddy" I chuckle. "Where is he?" I ask as her big eyes sparkled with joy. "You're so cute baby" I kissed her small cheek before seeing Jack at the end of the stair way.

"Where are you headed?" I ask "the guys wanted to spend a little bit of time with Esperanza." He smiled coming to me to kiss me. I kiss him before pulling away "are you going with them?" I ask her smiled "just dropping her off." He smiled "don't worry, Anastasia is there to help them out, Sams girl they've been together for three years.. remember?" I nodded she was my best friend in high school then she went for a different path that was full of drugs and partying with Sam while I stayed in school, heart broken due to Jack and I split. So her and I fell off, and Sam hated me for what Jack did.

"I'll be back in a few if you don't want to join us" jack said taking the baby from my arms "I can join." I smile grabbing her diaper bag and my purse. He carried her to the car along with her car seat as I locked up the house before helping him get her in.

"I love you my baby" jack said kissing her small face. I smiled. He does such an amazing job and I don't give him credit. I sat in the back with the baby while Jack drove to Sam and Anastasia's condo.


"I'm going to drop you off at home to get ready.." jack said a wide smile on his face, "I both you a pretty two piece outfit, I hope you'll like." He said "baby, you didn't have to," "I wanted too but go get ready." He said pulling into our driveway "I'll be back in two hours.. I have something to do really fast but I'll pick you up by 6" I nodded kissing him before exiting the car.

"I love you baby" he said "I love you too." I smiled closing the door and making my way inside up to our room.

The pink colored long skirt, and a crop top, lied perfectly out on the bed as I gushed over how cute it was. He suddenly has a sense of taste? I chuckle he stuck to jeans and T-shirt always. I laugh it off before going to dress myself and shower.


Jack's P.o.v.

"She's at home getting ready where's the tux?!" I ask Sam as he nodded pulling it out from the closet "here you go bro" he said as I grasped it "My friend Kylie's hair stylist will come help you combine your hair" Anastasia said "okay, aren't you going to get ready?" I ask they nodded "of course! I'm not missing this! You're my brother, I have to be there just in case she says no, skin will Johnson and Nate and Derek and his girl Virginia" he said I laughed. "It's Vivían" I shake my head before walking away

"Whatever you know what I meant!" He called I chuckle changing quickly hearing Esperanza cry, I stop "I got it, stay getting ready!" Sammy said as I tied my tie. I hear him cooing her and shooing, in a soothing way.

"Get the door it's for you" he said I nodded before meeting the stylist, they worked on my so easy to do hair, giving me a quiff. And taming it down then Sam as I played with my daughter. "What do you think about daddy and mommy being together forever?" I ask she gurggled "I like that too." I smiled

I dressed her nicely before Stars came out in a nice black dress with a brown colored jacket. Sammy kissing her and such "when you get done, be there by 6. It takes us half of an hour to get to the beach, so be there please." "Were already leaving. You should go get her" he said I nodded "Jack!" Sammy called I stopped facing him "how will this night go as planned if you're leaving this?" Anastasia said bringing me the box. I chuckle thanking her as we left them in there car and me in mine going for Lilianna.

My nerves were everywhere and I am so glad the divorce was finalized two weeks ago. Madison is out of my life for good, thank God.

I pull into our drive way before walking inside "Lilianna" I call "I'm coming! I'm coming!" I hear her rush happily. "I'm sorry it's like 7. I'm sorry, I hate being a girl sometimes-" I chuckle "it's fine baby, it's barely 6:30. I took my time, take yours." I smile down the beautiful being before me. "I finished." She said kissing me quickly "let's go," she poked my chest I smile before following her.

"I love the outfit." She said "it's very, beautiful." She smiled "my favorite as of today" she smiled "it may glad you did baby, but why?" "Because you picked it out." I smile widely and as cliché as we are, I am in love with her.

"So where are we headed?" She asked "it's a surprise." She nodded smiling "okay" she said her smile still in its place.

As we approached the beach more my heart rate increased, by now it was about to fly out of my chest from all the nerves going on.

"The beach.." she smiled then frowned, "I'm not dressed for-" "don't worry baby" I smile before exiting the car to her side she gradually took my hand as I helped her out.

We walked along the rose path nearing the place where, our candle lit dinner was, "jack" she gasped. "Do you like it?" I ask biting the inside of my lip. "I love it." She said "before we start to head that way, I had a big question to ask you." I say she nodded her smile in place.

"I love you Lilianna. I think I will for my whole life and after and I want you to know that I want to be here by you and our daughter and any other baby we have along the way. Forever, I know I've said this word before but I mean it with everything inside of me and all I have. I want to spend my life with you, by you, no matter what happens, I want to take care of you and our family, through good and bad."

"I have been in love with you since I was a sophomore in high school. I am 23 now, and I have not stopped loving, I've just loved you so much more by the second. Will you Lilianna Martinez, make me the happiest complete man on earth and," I kneeled down reaching for the box in my pant, pocket. She let out a cry smiling,

"Marry me?"





I have an announcement, please don't Hate - (you see what I did there ;] ) me, but this book will be ending soon, I belive the two next chapters will be the last.. :(

Please don't hate [(; lol I'm done. ] me ♡

I love you 🐞❤

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