chapter thirteen

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Lilianna's P.O.V

I puked everything up for the thousandth time today Jack pulled my hair back rubbing my back. "Can I take you to the hospital now?" He asked I sighed relaxing and nodded. I cleaned the corner of my mouth brushing my teeth again. It's been weeks that I have been puking it couldn't be a flu. I've cancelled work or get sent home because I'm constantly puking and the flu doesn't last weeks. I sighed rinsing my mouth "come on baby." Jack said picking me up carefully I was also woozy. It all didn't make sense.. Jack layed me in the passenger seat giving me a quick kiss on my cheek before buckling me in and going to lock the house up. Vivían was back with her stupid boyfriend which is why Jack now lives with me and Vivían doesn't know about our relationship. No one does actually. But that all didn't matter, we are happy to be here together.

We soon arrived to the hospital emergency entrance Jack signed me in as I sleepily sat in the waiting room. I was so physically drained it all made no sense.

"Lilianna Fernanda Martinez." A nurse called. I stood up loosening my grip on Jacks hand but he stopped me, letting me know he was going with me. I smiled nodding.

"Hi, I'm nurse Mendoza, I'll get your temperature and check your vitals" she said as we entered a room. "Okay.. that's fine." I tell her holding Jacks hand.

"You're vitals are good.. the doctor will be here shortly but I have questions for you.." she said grabbing her pen "knock, knock." The doctor said opening the door. "Lilianna? Hi I'm Dr.Chase." She smiled shaking my hand. "What brings you here?" She asked "She fainted this morning, then woke up just to throw up whatever she could." Jack answered. She nodded as the nurse scribbled everything down. "How do you feel right now?" She asked me. "Nauseous." She nodded "any stomach pains?" I shake my head "no." "Head aches? Dizziness? Morning sicknesses?" "Yes, yes and yes." "Okay.." she smiled the nurse scribbling down on her board. "When was the last time you and your significant other had sexual intercourse?" I looked at Jack a bit embarrassed.. what an odd question.. oh my God. "About a month ago or a few weeks ago.." she smiled nodding Jacks phone began ringing, "I gotta take this baby.." he apologized kissing my cheek leaving the room.

I smiled at the doctor for her to continue,

"Now, when was your last period do you know?" Oh my God.. I smiled at bit. "I haven't gotten it since... last month, now that I think of it.." she nodded. "Okay.. we're going to run some tests on you if that's okay." I nodded "okay.. we're going to do blood work as well.. when was the last time you had a full meal?" "This morning around 7." "Okay then.. the nurse here will do the work.." she said.

"What tests are you taking?" I curiously asked.. "a pregnancy test is one and one for the fluor any virus." She said sniling before walking out of the room. Tears filling my eyes I smiled. I could be a mom.

"If he comes back. Don't tell him I am.." she nodded. "Is he not the father?" "Oh God no.." I laughed. "No, no, he is.. I just want to surprise him with the news if I am." She nodded before leaving the room.


"Congratulations." She said I smiled "You're in fact about a month along." I began crying "I am?" I asked a smile appearing on my face. She nodded, "yes you are, congratulations. I recommend you to get an appointment with Dr. Maldonaldo. She's a good OB." She said I nodded smiling and wiping my tears. Jack hadn't come back since he left.. I placed my hands over my belly that has yet, not appeared. I can't wait to tell Jack we can get married have that family we've planned to have. I'm not even afraid.. this baby I am currently carrying inside of me for the next 8 months will be the reason why I follow my dreams and work even harder at wanting to be a certified doctor and be able to perform anything, a clinical doctor, an OB, a pediatric, anything in the doctor industry I want to be it. I want to be the best I could be to my unborn baby. Starting now. I will do anything and everything for my little bundle of joy.

I walked out of the the room leaving to ask about Dr.Maldonado. as soon as I received the information I needed I was able to go, but Jack was no where in the waiting room.. I sighed getting my phone out and dialing his number.

L-"where in the world are you?"
J-"outside babygirl. I'm sorry I left.. are you done?"
L-"It's fine Jack.. and yes I am." I say
J-"what was wrong?"
L-"I'll tell you in the car." I say
J-"Okay baby. I love you."
L-"I love you so much more." I say feeling my non-formed stomach. I ended the call leaving the emergency room. My smile still in its place. But I quickly dropped it because Jack cannot know just yet..

Jack's P.O.V

"So what did they tell you baby?" I asked Lil. "Nothing just a stomach bug." She said a small smile on her face. She cleared her throat before it vanished "I'm okay now.." she finished I nodded. "Who called you that you needed to leave the room babe?" Madison had called me.. "My dad, he just needed advice on how to surprise my mom.. just to do so.." I lied "oh. That's cute." She said fidgeting with her hands. "I'm tired." She yawned "me too baby. Let's get home and get some rest." I suggest "yes!!" She giggled yawning again.

I grabbed her hand interwining our hands. "You mean so much to me." I say she blushed. "I am so happy to have all of you to myself. I'm very lucky we are back to committing to just one another. I can't wait to be your husband." I her. "Yeah.." she smiled "I love you so so so much more and I can't wait to have our lives together forever either.." she said squeezing my hand a bit. Her eyes fluttered "go ahead and go to sleep baby, I'll carry you inside." She nodded "lay me on my back please.. I love you by the way." She said still holding my hand. "I love you too princess and okay."

I like this chapter! But yeah..

I love you babies ! 💖

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