Chapter ;twelve

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Lilianna's P.O.V

- A/N I'm doing time skips.. sorry if I confuse you -

I woke up to my phone buzzing Jack was still sound asleep in slowly slid out from his grasp answering without checking who it was.

"Hello?" "Hi.. Lilianna it's Madison.. could we reschedule. My.." stopped I heard her sobbing and sniffling. My heart fell and the guilt snuck up on me. I heard her take a deep breath then letting it go. "S-sorry" She whispered. "Can we reschedule our meeting? I just need time to-" She began to cry again. "I broke it off last night. I know everything and-" She stopped again. "I'm just going to go.. see you next week." With that the line ended. I leaned on the the little table beside my bedroom door in the hall. I clutched the corner with one hand and my phone in the other. I am so stupid.

I can't do anything I slept with him. I told him I loved him. And I do. With all of my heart he was my first love.

"Hey." He said causing me to jump "What's wrong baby?" My heart flutter. He peckedthe corner of my cheek. "Do you work today?" He asked I shook my head. "Okay then. We have date tonight." He planted his lips onto mine. I faced him wrapping my arms around his neck as we collided to my bed. Landing on it not breaking our kiss.

"I love you." I giggled kissing him again before pushing him off "but I'm sore from last night." I inform him he smirked "Did I really leave you sore?" "Yes. We had sex twice. For three hours." He let out a chuckle "it wasn't sex. I was showing you how much I missed your touch. I was showing you my love hasn't changed." My heart fluttered. "I hate you." I smile "I liked the I love you mi amor better." I let out snort. "I love you amor." I said pulling him to me for a kiss.

"I'm so lucky." I smile "I'm luckier. But I'm going to go shower again since lastnight didn't really work." I laugh getting up. He chuckled "I was just showing you what I can still-" "Yeah let's not bring it up." I blush embarrassed. I was practically begging him to please me and when he did I didn't leave my high for awhile. And Jack loved that which was why it was way to much. I won't lie it was amazing but it left me so sore there. I walked to my closet grabbing clothes.

"I'm going to go he shower brush my teeth and get ready for tonight." "Okay then. I'll find a different outfit." He nodds putting his shirt on. Walking to me. He hugged me pecking my lips. "See you later baby." "Bueno amor." I kiss him again. "Love you be careful." "I will. And, can I have your number?" I began laughing I grabbed his phone adding my number. "Here ya go."

"Baby mama" I nodd "that's me." I laugh "okay." He said putting his phone away. I nodd. He pulledme in for a tight hug. "See you later." "See you later" I say pulling away so he could go. "I love you." "Love you too. Be careful please!" "I will baby." & with that he left. I made my way to my restroom to shower then look for an outfit..


I slid my heels on leaving my room and walking down stairs to be greeted by Jack. I smile "you look amazing." "Thank you baby." I smile.

"We should go.." he said seeming nervous I agree with him and take his hand in mine and leave my house.

I starred at Jack who was gripping the steering wheel nervously. "You okay baby?" I ask him "yeah babe. Why?" "Oh, you just look nervous that's why." "Oh.. no I'm okay." He said a small smile on his face in nodd. "I love you." He said interwining our hands. "I love you too." I say caressing his hand. We pulled into a nice fancy looking restaurant. We made our way inside.

Being seated and ordering was quicker than I thought it would be and our food was now here. Jack only grew more nervous and I really couldn't find out why.

"Babe." He said causing me to look at him "yes?" I answer putting my fork with food on it into my mouth. He let out a nervous chuckle "would you want to be engaged again?" He asked causing me to stop chewing the food in my mouth. "What?" I ask him sipping from my water. "What do you mean?" Happiness happened to fill me. "I mean, will you marry me?" My heart beat increased "Jack." I whispered tears filling my eyes.

He just got out of his engagement and we were barely starting our relationship again. "I have a ring for you.. I want to continue what we broke off two years ago. Let's go to an altar or something and marry each other. I know I want to be with you." He rambled my heart ached. I searched his eyes to try to find a way to not hurt him. "I can't." I say my voice cracking. "What?" He said hurt "I can't." I repeatedthe tears slipping down my face. "Why- why not?" He asked "you just left Madison.." I rush my tears falling one after another I feel like the worst girlfriend ever. "But I told you-" "I know what you told me. I believe you. And I love you too but we just got back together.. can we wait for engagement and marriage?" "Lilianna." "Jack. I want to see where it takes us. If you want.. if not I'm sorry.." I say wiping my tears with a napkin only more fell. I felt bad.. the world could swallow me right now. He nodded. "Will you at least wear the ring." I smile "of course baby.. if it makes you happy." I say cupping his face. He pecked my lips before he pulled the box out placing the ring in his hand.

"I promise to love you and only you forever Lilianna. This is a promise ring instead of an engagement ring but it's okay. I love you and I have you now." He kissed the ring taking my hand in his. "I love you." Tears welling up in my eyes agian. He's so amazing and understanding. He slipped the ring onto my ring finger kissing you hand. "You're mine." "All yours." I say kissing him passionately.

I am here in his arms again. Life couldn't get any better.

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Lack of updating because... it's not a good one but I'm trying to finish 90210 on Netflix.. I've been off of everything and not answering people as much I also have been cooped up in my room after school everyday... so yeah.. but anyway enjoy this update! There will be more soon give me time

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