Chapter 5

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I jumped as I woke up not realizing I was still in Matt's arms.

"Good Morning Beautiful" He said in his morning voice. I must've woken him up with my jump.

"Good Morning, sorry if I woke you, I'm not use to waking up in someone arms" I said as I turned my face towards his.

He chuckled. "It's quite alright"

I looked deeply into his eyes as he gently kissed my forehead. His grip tightened around me and he pulled me in for a hug. It was so odd how we had just met yesterday and now he was being so affectionate.

"So what do you want to do today" He asked.

"I don't know, I'm up for anything. What's there to do around here?" I smiled.

"Well we could call the guys and hang out, if you want"

"Sure" I agreed with a smile.

Matt got out of bed and got ready to shower, telling me I could use the downstairs shower if I wanted to, so I did. I still couldn't get over how nice his house was, and it was right on the beach too. When I was little my mom always use to talk about moving to California, now I could see why.

I finished my shower and walked back up into Matt's room and sat down on my bed, as I scrolled through my text messages, there were a bunch from my friends concerned as to where I was, or whether or not I was going to their graduation some of them read:

Where are you? If you're around you should come to my graduation party! -Gemma

I didn't even get to say goodbye to you after the ceremony! You should of stayed a little longer! I'll miss you! - Laine

You should come over today! I haven't seen you in forever! - Taryn

I replied to none of them. After my parents died seeing my friends no longer appealed to me. All I ever heard from them was 'I'm so sorry for your loss' and 'I feel so bad". It was the worst, because if they actually felt bad they wouldn't bring it up, causing me to remember the horrid night. I couldn't stand their fake sympathy either, granted some of them might have actually cared, Nonetheless their sympathy wouldn't bring my mom or dad back. So in all honesty I didn't like when people expressed their sympathy to me, which I know for a fact is going to come back and bite me in the ass one day. I snapped myself out of my deep thoughts and concentration just as Matt walked in and said,

"I called the guys, they said they'll be over soon"

"Oh cool, I can't wait to see them!" I smiled.

"I liked your shirt" Matt said with a grin noticing my Rancid tshirt.

"awe thanks, they're one of my favorite bands." I said.

"The first concert I ever went to was a Rancid concert." Matt said.

"What!" I exclaimed, "That's awesome! you're so lucky, I would love to go to a Rancid concert some day."

"Maybe i'll take you some day" Matt said with a wink.

I smiled, tucking my chin into my shoulder.

"How about we go get some breakfast?" He offered.

"Sounds like a plan" I said.

Matt got together some fruit and toast and we sat together on his patio which over looked the ocean.

"This view is beautiful" I said.

"Yeah, I love the beach, and getting to look at it almost everyday of the year is pretty sweet"

"Well that makes two of us! My family owns a cottage on a beach, we always went there in the summer, I use to love watching the sun rise" I said as I looked out over the water.

"You should take me there sometime" Matt said.

"That would be fun, I really should" I said with a smile.

"When do you have to leave anyways?" He asked.

"Well I have to check out of my hotel on Wednesday, and my plane leaves that night." I said looking down at my hands. Matt didn't reply to that which made me wonder what he was thinking.

"Why did you come out here anyways?" He asked.

"Well cause I-" Just as I was about to finish my sentence Brian and Jimmy walked in.

"Aww look at the two love birds" Brian cooed. Matt rolled his eyes.

"Hi Brian." Matt said getting up.

"So what are we doing today?" Jimmy asked.

"I don't know, what do you guys want to do" Matt asked.

"We should interrogate her because I still don't know anything about her" Brian said pointing to me as I got up.

"That her has a name, and let's not interrogate me." I said slyly, crossing my arms across my chest. Matt came over to me and put his arm around me. I smiled looking up at him.

The day went by quickly, we all ended up sitting around talking and eating food for most of the day, but I didn't mind, it was nice to finally have friends who could talk to me about something other than my parents.

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