Chapter 35

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***Morgan's POV***

Just then he took the knife and jabbed it into my lower abdomen. I screamed out in pain louder than i've ever screamed before. It felt as though he was slicing through my body.

"Please don't" I pleaded with him as he raised the knife again, his strong arm still around my neck, "I'll do anything" I whimpered.

"Too late for that girly" he snarled as the knife jabbed into me again.

I wanted to double over because of how much pain I was in but Andrew's tight grasp wouldn't let me.

I gazed down as my stomach to see the blood flowing out and down my leg. I felt extremely lightheaded. I could feel my stomach churning from the excruciating pain, I wanted to vomit.

Andrew kept a firm grasp around my neck choking me slightly as he lifted the knife slightly and jabbed it into my abdomen again.

"FUCK" I screamed out as he let go of me. I fell to the ground and clutched my stomach as tight as I could, trying to slow the bleeding. My eyes were starting to close. I forced myself to keep them open, this wasn't my day.

I groped the side of the counter pulling myself up while clutching my stomach. I walked slowly towards the phone on the wall. It was a challenge, as my feet kept slipping out from underneath me and the pain increased. It still felt like he was stabbing me.

I picked up the phone in my shaky hand as I was bent over the counter, I dialed 911, I leaned towards the phone trying to put it as close to my ear as possible. I winced out in pain from all the motion.

"911 what's your emergency?" The operator spoke softly.

"I-I, m-my cousin st-stabbed me" I eventually got out.

"What's the address?"

"290 south main, andover" I breathed heavily, "Come quick"

I think I heard her say okay or something as I collapsed on the linoleum next to the fridge. I sat up with my back against the cabinet.

I suddenly heard the front door slam. Andrew was back, I thought. I inched my way towards the door leading to the hallway. I could barley move, I crouched in the corner. I moaned and groaned more than I ever had before.

The footsteps came closer to me, I couldn't make out what the voice was saying, my ears were ringing from the shooting pain in my head.

The footsteps stopped and the person was now standing over me, he bent down and placed a hand on my shoulder, thinking it was Andrew I turned around and slapped him in the face as hard as I could.

The person was sent backwards a little and said, "Morgan" softly.

I looked closer at the figure; It was Matt.

"Matt?" I asked weakly.

"Yes, its me sweety, I'm here" He whispered as he gently pulled me into his arms. He kissed my forehead lightly and cupped my face in his hands, moving the strands of hair out of my face. A few tears escaped my eyes, he gently wiped them away. I was so glad he was here.

"My beautiful Morgan" He whispered sweetly.

I could see he was crying too as he looked at my body in dismay. He picked up my wrist and I winced slightly, then he looked at the slice going down the side of my leg and all the bruises. He mumbled to himself, words that I couldn't hear.

"Let's get you to the other room" Matt said as he tried to lift me, I let out a yelp.

"I can't move"

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