Chapter 15

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*Matt's POV*

As Morgan walked upstairs my phone rang, it was Brian.

"Hey man, where are you? We should hang out today"

"Yeah, I'm not home..." I said quietly

"Yeah I know that... I just went by your house" He laughed.

"No... I'm not in California" I said slowly.

"Then where the hell are you?" He chuckled.

"Massachusetts" I said blatantly.

"What! Why?" He exclaimed.

"I'm with Morgan"

"You barley know her."

"Yeah, she's my girlfriend.." My voice trailed off.

"Woah, that was fast"

"I.. I know..."

"You knew her for like a day..."

"I know, I don't know what I was thinking, It just happened suddenly, I don't really regret the decision... but I wish I had waited a little longer" I sighed.

"Too late now" Brian replied.

As Brian and I talked about the situation with Morgan, I took advantage of the time I had alone while Morgan was sleeping to explore her house. I walked into a room that looked like an office, It must've been her dad's. There was a bay window overlooking the patio and a leather chair. I opened a door that I thought was a closet but it lead to another room. I flicked the light switch on.

"Holy shit" I gasped.

"What?" Brian said.

"I just walked into this room in Morgan's house... and... there a ton of Medals and Trophies in it."

"Well what are they for?" He asked.

"Gymnastics, there plaques too. She was on the national team, and is a national champion apparently."

"That's sweet" He replied, "Well I have to go, I'll talk to you later shadz" Brian and I hung up the phone.

I walked around the room. The wall was covered with medals. There was a stack of pictures on one of the tables. I picked them up, they were of her at all of her competitions. The first picture was of when she was 6, it said it on the back. She was so cute. The last picture was of when she was 18, it must of been taken a couple months ago.

I shut of the light and closed the door, to explore the other parts of the house. I walked to the end of the hallway and opened a door that led to the basement, as I walked down into the basement. She has a wine cellar. I was shocked, her family was so rich. There must of been over 100 bottles of wine and other liquor down here.

I walked up stairs, only an hour had past and Morgan was still asleep so I crawled into her bed with her.

*Morgan's POV*

When I woke up it was dark outside, I had slept through the whole day and so did Matt apparently. I walked down stairs, to get something to eat.

I sat alone at the bar in the kitchen when I heard Matt coming down behind me.

"hey" I said quietly.

"Hey, what do you wanna do today?

"We could go swimming, there's a pool in the backyard..." I suggested.

"I don't have swim trunks.." Matt said.

"Wear some shorts" I laughed.

And with that we went outside.

"This pool is huge dude!" Matt said looking at the almost Olympic size swimming pool I had in my backyard, "And it has a diving board? Sweet" He smiled.

I laughed as I ran up to the diving board and did a double front flip with a dive into the pool.

"That was unexpected" Matt joked.

"It took my 5 years to perfect that flip. you don't know how many times I belly flopped." I laughed, "Every morning I would come out here and flip off the diving board over and over again"

"Well it sure is cool, where did you learn to flip like that" Matt asked as he dove into the pool.

"Gymnastics" I said rolling my eyes, another thing that got taken away from me.

"You're a gymnast?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, national champion, and world champion" I said proudly.

"That's pretty sweet, do you still do gymnastics?" He asked.

"No..." My voice trailed off as I swam to the deep end.

"Why not?" He asked.

"When I was in the car crash, I permanently hurt my lower back, I quit gymnastics 6 months ago. The pain got really bad, I would come home from practice practically paralyzed..." I sighed.

"Oh.. that doesn't sound to fun" Matt replied.

"It's not, especially when I was in Olympic training. I had a shot at the next Olympics" I rolled my eyes.

"You mean the ones this summer?" Matt questioned.

"Yup, I had all my routines and everything." I sighed as I swam to the other side of the pool before continuing my sentence, "That god damn car crash didn't just take my parents from me, it took almost everything I loved about my life."

"I'm sorry" Matt sympathized

"Shit happens" I shrugged, "Race you to the other end" I challenged him as we swam as fast as we could to the shallow end of the pool.

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