Chapter 24

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"Well, what's your full name?"

"Matthew Charles Sanders" I said sarcastically.

He just sat there with this confused look on his face.

I smiled, "first thing you should know about me, I will always use sarcasm in the right place and right time."

He laughed.

"But anyways, my name is Morgan Jayde Stoermer"

"Jayde, that's cool" Matt replied.

"Yeah, my initials are MJ" I laughed, "which is cool cause I love Michael Jackson"

"Another thing I didn't know about you" He smiled, "okay uhm... When's your birthday?"

"July 31st"

"That's my birthday!" He said excitedly.

"I know" I smirked.

"That's pretty cool, so what's your favorite color?"

"Really, that's what you want to know about me" I raised my eyebrows.

"Just answer the question"

"Okay, red because of the Red Sox... They're my favorite baseball team"

"Ohh mines, White, What's your favorite sport?"

"Skiing, Baseball, and gymnastics of course"

"Favorite city?"

"Okay in order my favourite cities are Boston, London, Seattle, and San Fransisco."

"cool... Favorite subject in school?"



"Yes, it's the most intriguing of them all because history repeats itself, so f we learn about it then we can try prevent bad events from repeating themselves."

"Fair enough, have you had any pets?"

"A dog named Sampson, he was a Newfoundland."

"Political party?"


Matt's eyes widened.

"Gotcha!" I laughed, "I'm neither republican nor democrat, it really depends on the situation... And I hate politics."

"Oh Morgan" he laughed, "do you want to go to college?"

"Most definetly, I'm going to Northeastern in the fall"

"What? I didn't know that"

"Then it's a damn good thing you asked me"

"What are you going to study?" Matt asked.

"I haven't decided what my major is goin to be... Ill decide that in my junior year."

We sat up there for the majority of the night, talking about who I was. It was nice, I liked spending time with Matt. Then finally he asked his last 2 questions, "Do you believe in an Afterlife?"

"Very much so, I believe in heaven and hell. But we don't really know if it exists until we die. It's like a never endin mystery."

"That's true... Okay last question, what's does your ideal day consist of?"

"Simple, a day where I get to spend time with my parents and my dog Sampson is the ideal day, it doesn't matter why we do as long as I'm with them. Which is how it was every day before the accident... You know, you never know when the last time you do something or talk to someone will be." I paused looking up at the stars, "make every moment with someone count"

He smiled as he put his arm around me, "wise words of Morgan"

"Do you have any nicknames?" He asked.

"No I don't..."

"I should start calling you M... That's what people call me" he laughed.

"Be my guest"

"Okay M" he smirked.

We sat up on the widows walk as I rested my head on Matt's shoulder. It was late but I didn't mind, the sky looked beautiful, with all the stars. We could hear the waves crashing from where we were as well.

"Why did you come out to California in the first place?" Matt asked suddenly.

"Because I wanted to leave Andover... And the memories... I-I wanted to start over."

"Well we ended up back here.. So you didn't really fulfil that wish."

"No... But I got something better"

"What's that?" He questioned.

"You" I said quietly.

He smiled as he face reddened slightly.

I didn't know what to say so I leaned into him as he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head.

"I really do love you" he whispered. I smiled, as he leaned down to kiss my lips. I kissed back. It sent shivers down my spine and through my body.

"Have you ever had any other boyfriends?" He asked.

"I thought you were done asking me questions" I teased.

"I keep thinking of more" Matt said innocently.

I proceeded to answer the question although I didn't feel like telling the story.

"Yea I've had a boyfriend... That's an experience I don't want to recall" I explained truthfully.

Matt looked concerned.

"You love me for me right?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yes I love you, for you" Matt replied.

"Like you wouldn't use me right?" I asked.

"No, I wouldn't... Why?"

"Okay and uhm... Just wondering I guess." I stuttered.

I wasn't just wondering. I wanted to know. My last boyfriend used me soley to hook up with me. I had liked him for a while too, and I was thrilled when he asked me out. I wasn't thrilled to find out his plan. I just hoped Matt wasn't like that. I didn't think he was but hat thought will always be with me. It was an awful experience. I was glad Matt hadn't asked any further questions about my boyfriend.

"Well it's getting late, we should probably go to bed.. Any other questions?" I smiled.

"Yes, actually.. What's your favorite Avenged Sevenfold song?"

"Matt, you are just so deep." I said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes, "okay well honestly I love all of your songs.. But I suppose if I had to chose one it would be.. Brompton Cocktail."


"It's the anthem of my life"

His eyes widened. It wa true though, more often than not I was suicidal, and the thoughts portrayed in this song were the same thoughts in my mind.

We walked down the narrow staircase, and into the large bedroom. I pulled down the covers on the bed and climbed in. Matt soon crawled under and wrapped his strong arms around my tiny body. I rolled over and buried my face in his chest. He smelt so good. I loved falling asleep like this.

*Matts POV*

I loved holding Morgan in my arms as we fell asleep, it made me feel as though I was protecting her, and I liked that. Very much. She always smelt so good too.

Tonight was really nice, I enjoyed seeing such a laid back side if Morgan, she really was beautiful. Her personality was beautiful. Every minute I'm with her I fall more in love. I didn't get to ask her some of the questions I wanted to, but at least I knew a little more about her than I did yesterday.

I was interesting in what happened between her and her ex-boyfriend... And why she asked me if I would use her. I would never dream of it. And if someone used Morgan, then they're a horrible person for using such an innocent and sweet girl. Morgan had been through so much, she was so strong. I just hope she knows how much I really do love her.

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