Chapter 42

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Brian and I spent the day watching Malcolm in the Middle and laughing our asses off at the lamest things. He was like the best friend I never had mixed with the older brother I've always wanted. It really was great.

The other guys all spent the day down at the beach or something. Thanks to my various injuries I couldn't really do anything but sit.

"Well this has been fun but I'm about to fall asleep" Brian admitted as he glanced over to me.

I fake frowned before saying, "today was fun... I enjoyed doing nothing and laughing"

"So did I, you're pretty cool" Brian smirked.

"You aren't so bad yourself bro" I teased.

"I'll see you in the morning... Punk" Brian laughed as he got up and left the room.

Punk. That was one of the first things he ever called me.

I sat there for a few minutes, gazing out the window and thinking, as I always do.

I slowly got up, my back ached. I made my way out to the back porch and walked over to the corner. Matt was sitting on the couch with a beer in hand, no one else was out there.

"Hey hey hey" I greeted him as I sat down next to him.

"Hey yourself" he said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him. I could smell the beer on his breath, it was intoxicating.

I carefully grabbed the bottle out of his hand and took a swig. It was one of my favorite kinds; pale ale.

"Last time I checked you wern't 21, missy" Matt sassed.

"Well when you find out your family owns two wine cellars chalk full of fine liquors and various alcoholic beverages at the tender age if 10... Lets just say you become an... Experienced drinker" I teased.

"Fair enough" he said with a smug look on his face.

"Alcohol is a great thing" I said as I gazed at the stars.

"How much do you drink..." Matt asked carefully.

"More than I should... Much much more" I sighed.

"How much?" He inquired.

"Lets just say, besides this month, I got wasted almost every week and I drank every night for about... 2 years" I admitted.

"Why?" He asked sounding slightly disgusted.

"Depression... It helped me cope. It made me forget almost everything"

"I hear ya."

We sat there in each others arms for a while. I enjoyed it, I loved his company, the feeling of his body against mine. He made me happy.

"What would your parents have thought of me?" Matt blurted out suddenly.

"What?" I said, processing what he had just said.

"What would they have thought of me?" He restated his question.

"Well, they wouldn't of liked you." I started.

"What?" Matt said sounding utterly shocked, "why?"

"Well for one thing, you're look pretty intimidating at first glance, they would of soon realized that you're harmless though" I began to explain to him, recalling the few things my parents had said to me about boys an what they liked in a guy, specifically my mom, my dads opinion just seconded my moms.

"So then they would of liked me after that?" Matt said.

"Nope" I corrected him.

"No!?" He exclaimed.

"No, they were never for tattoos. I don't know why they just didn't like them, don't ask me why." I rolled my eyes, recalling their thoughts.

"Oh.. So then-"

I cut him off and continued my thought, "regardless of who you are though they would tolerate you because I love you, but they would love you as soon as you showed them that you truly love and care about me" I reassured him.

He nodded before saying, "I do love and care about you, Morgan"

I moved closer to him before kissing his jawline and whispering in his ear, "I know, I love you too"

"Why else would they have liked me?" He asked.

"Well, you're a musician. My mom and dad both loved music and had a huge appriceation for it" I smiled.

"Really?" Matt said sounding shocked.

"And, you play piano. My mom played piano.. She's the one who taught me" I mused, suddenly feeling a pang of sadness as a tear escaped my eye.

Matt smiled before seeing the tears slowly falling down my face, "we don't have to talk about this anymore"

"No, no it's okay, im sorry.

it just happens, I miss them" I smiled. I liked talking about my parents.

Matt pulled me into a tight hug, "I know sweetheart"

I pulled away from the hug and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Morgan, do you ever..." Matt stopped himself before finishing.

"Do I ever what?"


"Just ask me, you can't back down now"

"Okay... Do you ever wonder if your parents would be proud of you... I mean-"

I cute him off, understanding exactly what he was saying, "I wonder that constantly, all I want to do is make them proud."

"So do you think you have?"

"For the most part... " I said before thinking to myself if they would actually would be.

They'd be proud that I'm going to Northeastern in the fall.

They wouldn't be proud of my drinking.

They'd be proud that I survived the whole Andrew thing.

They'd be proud that I stayed strong through my depression.

They'd be proud that I graduated 3rd in my class.

"Well I think they'd be proud of you" Matt said as he kissed the side of my head, "they're probably looking down at you smiling."

"I hope so" I mumbled.

Matt rubbed my side, with the stab wounds gently. He softly massaged the area causing me to whimper softly.

"Am I hurting you?" He asked sounding worried.

"Not at all" I moaned, before bringing my lips to his. He kissed me lovingly. I slid my tongue across his bottom lip before playing with his lip ring. He moaned loudly as he always did when I did that. I moved my tongue into his mouth, exploring, dancing around with his tongue. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sat on his lap, my body pressed up against his. He held me tightly but gently being careful of my numerous wounds. I could feel his member hardening against me through his jeans.

"I want you so badly" he groaned through our kiss as I grinded lightly against him.

"Patience" I smirked as I pulled away from the kiss. I wanted him badly too. I hadn't yet lost my virginity and if there was any man I wanted to give it to, it was him. I would gladly done it that night with him, but because I had just been stabbed only a week ago I needed to be careful. I'm pretty sure when the doctor said 'take it easy', sex was probably on the list of things I shouldn't do.

Eventually he carried up to our room and I fell asleep in his arms with my head rested on his chest. I was as close to him as I could possibly be, and that was okay... for the time being.

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