Chapter 17

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Who the hell was at the door. I started inching towards the phone in the kitchen. I was ready to get a restraining order. Just then Matt walked in with Brian and the rest of the guys. A sigh of relief came over me, and Matt looked quite relieved as well.

"Thank god" I whispered to myself, Matt nodded his head as he heard me.

"Sooo, Why are you guys here" I laughed.

"Cause you stole Matt from us" Brian joked, "and we missed him"

"Yeah.. That's what happened" I said sarcastically, "and it hasn't even been a day" I laughed.

"We can still miss him, punk" He retired with a smile.

"Take it easy Brian, she's been through a lot" Matt warned.

Although in Brian's defense I didn't mind when people called me punk, it was true. I liked it.

"So what exactly happened to you Morgan?" Zacky asked.

"Andrew happened" I rolled my eyes.

"Who's andrew?" Johnny asked.

"My evil cousin who insists on making me miserable." I said angrily.

"Can we kick his ass for you?" Jimmy asked, as I laughed, "I don't think that would be necessary, Matt already did that part" I laughed some more looking over at Matt who was staring at the floor.

"Look at Matt being a tough guy" Johnny laughed.


"Well I don't know about you guys but I'm exhausted" Matt said, as he walked upstairs towards my bedroom.

"There's guest rooms down that hallway" I told the rest of the guys who looked pretty tired themselves.

"It's like a hotel in here!" Jimmy commented on the number of bedrooms.

I just laughed, that's exactly what it was. My mom always had the hopes of opening up an B&B after she retired. So all throughout my childhood we were always putting additions on the house, making it bigger and bigger.

All the guys wandered off to their rooms except for Brian.

"Not tired?" I asked as I poured myself a glass of water.

"Surprisingly no"

"Neither am I"

"So you and Matt are dating"

"Yup" I replied as I walked out to the porch and sat on the wiker couches. Brian followed closely behind.

"This is a pretty sweet house" He said as he looked out over the patio and the pool , "your family must of been rich"

I just looked down. I think Brian got the message that I didn't want to talk about my family so he went back to what he originally asked me, "you and Matt got together pretty fast"

"Yeah.. It was really unexpected"

"Do you like him?"

"Well yeah of course, he's a great guy... But"

"But what?"

"But... I don't know I wish I hadn't said yes... Like I don't regret it... But now Matt is a part of this whole Andrew situation and I just.. I don't want him getting hurt."

"Matt said the same thing" Brian told me.

"What?" I asked.

"Well when I was talking to him last night, and when he told me you guys were in a relationship I was a little shocked..."

He paused, I wasn't sure why. He looked a little worried that I would be mad at Matt, little did he know I wasn't the type of person to freak over little things.

He continued, "So then we talked a little bit about it, and he said that he wished he hadn't jumped so fast but he said he didn't regret it..."

"Yeah..." I said looking down at my hands.

"Sorry, I should have said anything" Brian pleaded, reaching out to put his hand on top of mine.

"No it's fine," I looked up and smiled.

"Oh good... I was afraid.. Anyways you and Matt do make a good couple" He gushed. I smiled as my cheeks turned red.

We both sat there awkwardly. When I came up with an idea, "how about I give you the grand tour of my house?" I suggested.

"That sounds lovely" He mused.

"Well now we are standing in the Stoermer family porch, as you can see there's some windows and nice wiker furniture," I laughed, "and if you look over yonder you will see a body of water, that is man made" I said in a tour guide voice.

Brian sat there and laughed, practically in tears.

"Come on," I said as I lead him into the living room, kitchen, my dads office and eventually my favorite part of the house; my trophy room.

"Wooah, what are all these" Brian said in interest.

"My gymnastics medals" I smiled walked around looking at them.

"You're a gymnast?" He asked.

"Was" I said sadly.

"Was?" He asked.

"You don't know about the accident do you..."

Brian looked at me, "what accident?"

"Sit down" I said pointing at the chair.

He had an indescribable look of worry plastered on his face. He cared too. He seemed genuinely concerned. Another good friend, I thought to myself.

"Okay so," I began slowly...

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