Chapter 37

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***Morgan's POV***

I slowly opened my eyes. I was aching everywhere, especially my stomach and my wrist. I had an IV hooked up to me, givin me liquids and various medicines. Around me were curtains, that were like make shift walls.

I was slowly recalling the previous days as a nurse walked through the curtains.

"Well look who's up!" She smiled

"Yeah" I said groggily, my voice scratchy and soft.

"Well I'm your nurse for the next few days, my names Jamie." She said as she fiddled with the IV, swapping out the medicines.

"Oh, okay... How long have I been here?" I asked, I had no concept of time at the moment, the last 2 days seem to morph together and this morning was a blue besides getting stabbed.

"Oh well it's 5pm, you've been here since about 6am." She said kindly.

"Okay.." I sighed as I tried to move into a comfortable position.

"You'll be moving into your own room maybe later tonight, we had to put you in the ICU since your wounds were so bad."

"Oh okay."

As I laid there in pain, a doctor walked through.

"And you must be Morgan" he smiled, "I'm doctor Reynolds"

"Hi" I forced a smile.

"So I'm not going to try to explain any of your injuries to you since you're probably exhausted, but I will say that we will be keeping you here over the next few days to monitor your progress"

I nodded, understanding what he was saying and also understanding that I didn't want to stay in a hospital for the next couple of days because frankly hospitals were my least favorite place.

"Do you know of anyone that might be here for you?" He asked.

"Yeah, uhm well my boyfriend Matt might be here." I said as I winced at the pain coming from my throat.

"Would you mind explaining him to me? What he looks like? I don't know how many people are in the waiting room" he laughed.

"Oh, well he's tall, muscular arms, covered in tattoos, lip ring, gauges, probably wearing a tshirt with some heavy metal band on it and he has dimples when he smiles" I explained. I wanted to see him so badly.

"Thank you" the doctor said as he got up and left.

I soon fell back asleep. Hours later I awoke to a faint beeping. I was now in my own room which was nice. I wasn't sure what time it was, but it must have been late considering it was dark outside and an odd silence loomed throughout the hospital.

My nurse, Jamie soon came through the door and greeted me, "what are you doing up?"

"Can't sleep" I sighed.

"Well you've slept all day! How are you feeling?"

"A little better I guess" I sighed.

"I think there's someone out in the waiting room for you" She smirked.

"Matt" I said quietly.

"Would you like me to go get him?" She asked.

"Sure, if he's awake" I replied. There were now butterflies in my stomach. The only person I wanted to see right now was Matt.

"Okay" she whispered excitedly as she left the room.

I ran my fingers through my hair, not entirely sure what my appearance was like. I made an attempt to look presentable as he walked in.

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