Chapter 22

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"You okay?" Matt asked as he walked out onto the deck. He wrapped his arms around me.

"I think so" I replied, without looking away from the ocean. The water looked perfect as it glistened in the sun. I walked back into the house, and announced to the guys, "you can go pick what ever room you want upstairs"

"Any room?" Zacky retorted.

"Any room" I said as I walked up the long staircase.

"That was my old room" I pointed to te first room on the right, "We never used these rooms, sometimes my friends slept in them and this was my parents room" I said as I went to the end of the hall.

Brian, Jimmy, Johnny and Zacky all picked their rooms.

"So where are we sleeping?" Matt questioned.

"Follow me" I smirked, as I walked to the end of the hallway. I opened a door that looked like a closet but it had a staircase in it. We walked up the narrow staircase into what I referred to as the Master bedroom. It had a king size bed that faced a window overlooking the ocean. As well as a balcony and a windows walk. It had a master bathroom too. My family had never used it either, the architect who built our house just insisted on building this room.

"Wow" Matt gasped.

"This is our room" I said as I held out my hands, "it's never been used"

"I love it" Matt beamed.

He walked to the closet. Another surprise.

"It's a walk in closet" I laughed.

"Holy shit Morgan. This is like the ultimate house, how many more surprises?" He gasped

"A few" I smirked.

Matt put his luggage in the closet along with mine, we walked down stairs, all the guys were huddled in the corner of my parents room.

I knocked as I walked in.

"What are you guys doing?"

Matt and I slowly walked over.

"Oh my god! I didn't even know we still had that!" I laughed, as I saw that they were looking in our old Beach Photo Album. It had some of the funniest pictures in it.

"Are you.. Standing on a kayak?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah! That's my friend Jordyn and I! We stood on our kayaks and paddled around the beach.. Until a wave wiped me out" I laughed as I recalled the memory. Finally a good memory. Maybe being here would be a good thing.

"You surf?" Brian's asked, with a surprised tone in his voice.

"Yeah, those were my surfing days... I'm not gunna lie... I was pretty good" I smirked.

All the guys laughed as they continued to look at the photo album, except for Matt. He stood in the corner of the room, a couple inches away from where I was standing with this blank look on his face. I didn't know what he was thinking but he looked mad as hell.

"Why don't we go down to the beach or something" Zacky suggested.

"Let's go" I said excitedly. Wow excitement, this sensation is a rarity.

We all gathered the things we needed for the beach and walked down. There was a staircase off of the back porch that lead to the shore. The guys set up where we were sitting, with chairs and towels, as I walked down to the water. It was a comfortable tempature, as it always was here.

"I'm glad you brought us here" Brian said as he walked up behind me.

I didn't reply.

"So did your family come here alot?" He asked.

"Every summer and whenever we felt like getting away." I replied.

"That's cool."

"Yeah, once we came here in the middle of a blizzard because oddly enough this house still had electricity but our other one didn't" I laughed, "it was crazy"

Brian smiled as he waded into the water, "are you gunna come in?"

"Nah, not yet at least" I chuckled, as I turned on my heels and walked towards Matt and the rest of the guys.

"How's the water?" Jimmy asked.

"Lovely" I said.

I walked over to my bag and pulled out my phone to kill time. Matt was acting strange, or at least I thought so and Brian was being flirtatious... Or again, at least I thought so. Thoughts are dangerous.

I'm glad I stopped myself from going into the water with Brian though, that would have been awkward. Then again I may just be making a big deal out of nothing. He probably doesn't like me, who would like me. I sat there staring at my lock screen for 5 minutes when Matt sat down next to me and whispered, "is it really that interesting"

I laughed and I put it back in my bag.

"Wanna go in the water?" He suggested. The rest of the guys were already down there.

"I would be delighted" I smiled, as he held out his hand to help me up.

Matt picked me up bridal style and walked me down to the water.

As we waded into the water I said, "you better not drop me.. Because if you do.. I swear"

"Oh I'm gonna drop you" He smirked.

"Nooo Matt please don't" I pleaded.

He smirked as I clung onto his neck.

"Okay you're choking me" He exaggerated as he pretended to gasp for air.

"I'll never let go jack" I joked.

"Oh Morgan," he sighed with a grin, "if it means that much to you I won't drop you"

"It does" I smiled. He gently kissed my forehead.

We were now standing near Zacky an Johnny as we watched Brian and Jimmy play catch out on the sandbar.

"Okay you can let me go now" I told Matt.

"No I can't"

"Yes Matt, you can"

"Well then I won't.

"Well then you should" I retorted.

"Well then no"

"Well then yes"

I sighed loudly as Matt dropped me into the water. He didn't let me down, he just moved his hands out from under me and before I knew it I was submerged.

"I forgot you were so short" he laughed.

"HAH HAH" I said sarcastically as I swam towards the sandbar.

Once I had reached it I ran and caught the ball in the middle of Jimmy's throw to Brian.

I laughed as I sprinted through the water and down the sandbar.

"HAY" Brian yelled, "get back here"

I had run out of sandbar to run on so I turned around just as Brian tackled me to the into the water.

Before I knew it, Brian had me over his shoulder, "jimmy take one side of her" he smirked.

"Uhm, okay" jimmy was confused.

"Don't hurt the Morgan." I pleaded.

Just then then both threw me into the air and into the water.

"Brian what the hell?" Matt said, with a hint of annoyance.

I swam towards them, as I recovered from the so called launch.

"Matt it's fine" I laughed as he out his arm around my now wet and cold body.

"Besides Morgans like my little sister, I have to tease her" Brian winked at me.

"Exactly" I said happily. Thank god. I liked being in that status with him. Brother. Sister. I had always wanted an older brother, and he was perfect. Everything seemed to be working out so well today, it was rather odd, but all good things come to an end. That is something I've learned more often than not over the years and I have this feelin in my guy that something bad, and horrible is going to happen soon. I just don't know what.

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