Chapter 6

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*That Night and now zacky and johnny are there*

"Guys why don't we all go to a bar or something?" Brian suggested.

"Yeah!" Johnny replied.

I was underage but I didn't say anything, I just kept quite letting them plan their night.

"Are you up for coming Morgan?" Jimmy asked.

I looked up and laughed a little.

"What?" Matt said.

"It's illegal, I'm not 21" I laughed.

"Oh right, okay so what else can we do?" Matt questioned.

"Let's go downtown and take a walk or something" Zacky suggested

"I'm down" Brian replied.

I just say and smiled, I was glad to be going anywhere with Aveneged Sevenfold.


Once we got down town we walked through alley ways and through backstreets. Brian and the rest of them were talking about how there should be no age for drinking because its not fair. I gladly walked behind holding Matt's hand and laughing to myself while listening to their conversations.

"Aw shit there's a fence, lets turn around" Brian said unhappily.

"Or you could climb it" I said slyly.

"It's like 8ft high no one can climb that, let alone a scrawny girl like you" Brian snickered.

Little did he know.

"Watch me."

It was the same height as the fence in the alley way that their tour bus was in. I climbed it with ease. I really dont know why Brian had it out for me, he always teased me, I didn't mind though he was like the brother I never had. Once I reached the top I looked down,

"So I can't climb the fence"

"Lets see you get down" he retorted.

I climbed down and reached the bottom. Everyone's eyes widened, including Brian's.

"Wow" they all said.

As they all sat there tongue tied because I could climb a fence, I noticed a gate and let them all through. We continued walking when I felt a hand grab me, I figured it was Matt's so I ignored it, but then I noticed Matt was in front of me. The hand grabbed my neck and then covered my mouth yanking me back into the shadow.

"Ahh" I screamed as my yelp was muffled.

I looked up and noticed a guy dragging me through the gate, just as the guys turned around.

"HAY" Brian screamed, "LET GO OF HER!"

Then Matt came running towards the man, punching him in the face and throwing his hands off of me.

"DON'T TOUCH HER" he yelled, as the guy punched him back and proceeded to grab me again, when Matt lunged after him. The guy then shoved me towards a dumpster and that was the last I saw as I blacked out.

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