Chapter 7

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Morgan...Morgan...Morgan... Come on wake up" I heard a voice softly talking to me. My eyes started fluttering open as I looked around to see where I was.

"Oh Morgan! Thank god you woke up" Matt said throwing his arms around me, I now realized where I was; it was the next day and I was at Matt's house.

"Ow" I yelped.

"Where are you hurt?"

"My head, I think I hit it against the dumpster" I said as I started to sit up. I started to feel really dizzy as Matt caught me and I laid back down.

"I think you have to go to the hospital" Matt suggested.

I let out a moan, I hated hospitals, and I tried to avoid them at all costs.

"You might have a concussion" Matt said.

I slowly got up and agreed to go to the hospital. Matt guided me downstairs, making sure I didn't fall.

"Well at least you don't have a concussion" Matt said.

"Yeah, especially since I have to leave in 3 days" I explained as we walked out of the hospital together. Matt just looked down sighing, and I kept quiet. The car ride back was silent as well and when I got to his house I fell asleep on the couch.

As I got up I noticed it was dark outside, "jeez I slept through the whole day"

"Yeah, how're you feeling?" Matt said as he walked in from the kitchen.

"Alot better actually, my headache is gone, I'm just sore"

"Well that's good" he smiled, bending down to be at eye level with me. "Do you want to join me out in the patio?"

"I would be delighted" He took my hand, wrapping his arm around me as we walked outside.

"You're so short" he laughed.

"Tell me something I don't know" I rolled my eyes with a laugh.

"It's cute though, I feel like I can just pick you up when ever I want, you're as light as a feather" and with that he picked me up and carried me out bridal style. He lets me in his arms as he sat down so that I was in his lap.

We smiled at each other as he leaned down and kissed my lips gently. It sent shivers down my spine, it felt magical.

"So I was wondering something" he said to me.


"How would you feel about being my girlfriend?"

Did I just hear what I think I heard. I was in shock. Matt sanders just asked me, Morgan Stoermer a.k.a a nobody to be his girlfriend. I just sat there like an idiot for what seemed like 20 minutes until I finally got the words out, "Yes, I would love to be."

He smiled, acknowledging what I had said, "Good, look I know that was kind of sudden but I really like you and... well actually I love you, the second I saw you in that alleyway.. after I realized you weren't some guy.. I don't know when I looked into your eyes I just melted, it was like love at first sight..." He explained his cheeks reddening.

No one had ever said something so nice to me, I in even more shock.

"Matt, I'm honestly speechless right now, no one has ever said something so sweet to me before. You're officially the sweetest guy i've ever met." I gushed.

We both looked into each others eyes, as he reached out his hand and interlocked it with mine. I smiled as he kissed me on my lips, the kiss lasted for a while, and the whole time I felt as though I was floating, no one has ever kissed me like him. He kisses with passion and lust. Its genuine. As he pulled away I looked up into his eyes, "I love you"

"I love you more."

I nuzzled my head into his chest and fell asleep to his heartbeat outside. He made me feel safe. He made me feel wanted, but mostly he made me feel loved. A feeling I hadn't felt in years.. since my parents died. Laying there in his arms I no longer felt the weight of depression and guilt on my shoulders, I felt happiness. It was a strange sensation, a sensation I hadn't felt since my parents had died. True happiness. Pure joy.

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