Chapter 34

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***Matt's POV***

I jolted awake from a nightmare, the same nightmare I always had about Morgan since the day we started dating. There was sweat dripping down the side of my face. I slowly lowered myself back onto the pillow, sighing deeply.

I laid there with my hands over my face, as I heard a faint beeping coming from the nightstand; Morgan's phone. I quickly reached over and answered it.

"Hello?" I answered, still half asleep.

"Matt?" A voice whispered, it sounded like Morgan's. Her voice was so soft.

"Morgan?" I said in shock.

"Yeah" She whispered back, I could tell she was crying. She always talked fast and quietly when she was.

"Oh my gosh, Morgan, honey, are you okay? where are you?" I asked her eagerly wanting to find her.

"I'm-" She started to answer but before she could answer the line crackled and there was a thud.

"I'm at my …-" She began to say, the last word was muffled. Andrew had gotten to her, I could hear him talking since the phone wasn't hung up, "What do you think you're doing" He snapped as I heard a slap followed by a yelp of pain. What was he doing to her.

"MORGAN!" I yelled.

"Get in the corner" I could hear him commanded harshly.

I was so close to knowing where she was, I thought to myself.

I sat with the phone against my ear, to lazy to hang it up when Andrew's voice came over the line and said, "Oh well"

"YOU'RE NOT GOING TO WIN" I screamed over the line.

The call had ended.

I quickly got up, grabbing a shirt from the end of the bed, along with some jeans and throwing them on. It was 4am but I didn't care, I couldn't sleep. I had to do something.

I walked down the narrow staircase and stood outside Brian's room and pounded on the door.

No response.

I sighed loudly and continued to walk down stairs.

"Hey" Jimmy said behind me.

"What are you doing up?" I asked as I kept walking.

"Can't sleep, how about you?" He replied.

"Can't sleep, and I just got a call from Morgan" I rubbed my eyes trying to wake myself up. I poured a glass of water and sat down at the kitchen table.

"She called you?" Jimmy looked slightly confused.

"Yeah for like 2 seconds, she sounded so scared, and.. she started to say where she was but didn't finish." I swirled the water around in my drink as I talked.

"Why didn't she finish" Jimmy asked.

"Andrew" I said faintly as a tear slipped from my eye, "I'm sorry" I said as I quickly wiped it away.

Jimmy reached out his hand and placed it on my shoulder, "You're going to find her Matt, I know it"

"How" I asked hopelessly.

"Because I said so, you're going to follow your gut and you'll find her." He said reassuringly.

"Okay" I said as more tears spilled down my face, "I-I'm just afraid that when I do… it will be too late"

"Then you better start listening to that gut of yours" Jimmy replied.

He always knew exactly what to say.

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