Chapter 41

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I awoke to the sound of waves crashing on the shore outside the windows and two strong arms wrapped around me. I shifted and Matt's grip tightened, pulling me closer to his chest. I loved the feeling of his skin against mine. The warmth. No layers between us. Nothing separating us. It felt magical. How did I get so lucky? How did I end up dating the lead singer of Avenged Sevenfold? The past month was crazy and seemed like a blur so many things can happen in such a short period of time.

I sat there in my thoughts, listening to Matt's even breaths. I watched his face as he slept. I couldn't help but smile he's so adorable.

I quickly slipped out of grasp and walked over to my closet. I grabbed a pair of gym shorts and an old avenged sevenfold tshirt I had. I figured the guys would be amused.

I walked into the bathroom, I winced as my feet hit the cold bathroom floor. I slipped on the shorts, making sure they covered my scars, then I slipped on the shirt. My stomach hurt considerably less but my back ached along with my head. I went over to the cabinet and pulled out 3 Advil quickly swallowing them in hopes that the pain would seize. I noticed the brace for my wrist on the counter, I must of taken it off last night without realizing it, I slipped it on and fixed my hair.

I tiptoed through the room, not wanting to wake Matt. I made my way downstairs and to the kitchen. I was hungry but had no appetite for anything.

I began to fill a glass with water as I heard the front door open. I felt my body froze.

"Holy shit" I mouthed to myself.

Who the hell just walked into my house. I should of stayed upstairs. I should have waited for Matt to get up. No it's okay. No it's not. Thoughts raced through my head as I quickly crouched down in the corner.

I heard sets of footsteps walking towards me. I stayed as silent as possibly as they came closer. I saw Brian's face as the guys rounded the corner.

"Oh thank god" I sighed loudly, leaning against the cabinets and bringing my had to my forehead.

"Morgan?" Brian said slightly confused as he came over and helped me up.

"Sorry.. I thought-"

"I know" he cut me off. Brian pulled me into a hug which made me feel better. I still couldn't believe how shooken up I was.

"Morgan! How're ya feeling buddy?" Jimmy said as he came over to me.

"Like hell, but that's life" I laughed.

"Are you any better?" Zacky asked.

"Yeah.. I feel alot better today actually" I smiled.

"That's good, we've been worried" Zacky admitted.

"So, were the hell have you guys been?" I teased.

"We went out to breakfast" Zacky said.

"And you didn't invite me!?" I said sounding hurt.

"Well... No, we're really sorry" Zacky apologized.

"Nah, I'm just kiddin" I smiled.

"So I'm really liking your shirt" Brian smirked.

"Why thank you kind sir" I said in a fake accent as I showed it off.

Brian smiled. They all stood there as I went through the cabinets.

"There's no goddamn food in this house" I sighed.

"Believe me we know" Johnny rolled his eyes.

I gave an apoligizing look. They all eventually left the room as I repeated the cycle of staring at the fridge, closing it, walking around the kitchen and opening it again expecting food to magically appear. I was disappointed every time.

I stood in front of the sink, for what seemed like forever. I drank my water then suddenly I felt two strong arms wrap aroud my waste. I jumped slightly before realizing it was Matt.

"Good Morning, beautiful" He said groggily, as his lips met my neck, kissing it gently.

I turned around and Matt picked me up so that I was sitting on the counter. I wrapped my legs aroud his waste. He put his hands on my thighs and slowly moved them up and down them. I sat there looking into his eyes, which were looking back at me lovingly.

"Can I make you some breakfast?" He offered.

"You could, but there's no food in this house so..."

Just then I saw Johnny walk through the doorway.

He froze as he saw us.

"Am I interrupting something"

"No" I laughed.

"Short shit!" Matt exclaimed.

Johnny looked at him.

"Will you go to the grocery store and buy some food?" Matt asked.

"If it's for Morgan; yes. If it's for you; no." He answered.

I peered out from behind Matt and chimed in, "it's for Morgan"

"I'll be back within the hour" Johnny said as he grabbed car keys off of the counter and walked outside.


Johnny returned eventually. Matt and I put away the grocerys. I grabbed some bagels Johnny had bought and made myself some breakfast. Matt made himself a bowl of cereal.

We ate in comfortable silence. I looked through my twitter, there were still alot of mentions wishing me well and wishing me a fast recovery, they were sweet. Eventually Matt went out and sat on the back deck with the guys.

I moved myself to the living room and began watching Malcolm in The Middle, one of my favorite shows. I always use to watch it when I was little. I pulled out my laptop and logged in to tumblr. Just like the old days.

Brian walked in as I began watching my 6th episode of the afternoon.

"This isn't..." He started.

"Malcolm in the middle"

"Aka the best show ever"

"This is like my favorite show"

I smiled as he came and sat next to me.

"I always use to think I was like Reese and Francis" Brian admitted.

"Oh my god" I laughed, "I think I'm a mix of Malcolm and Dewey"

We sat as laughter filled the room. It was nice to laugh for once.

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