Chapter 45

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I sat there in Matt's arms for what seemed like a long time. I was crying still, overwhelmed by all that had happened. I think most of all I was just shocked. Everything was happening so fast, I barley had time to breath. I didn't realize either how afraid I was of Andrew but mostly how mad I was at him.

Matt kept his arms around me, kissing my head every now and then, comforting me in whatever way that he could.

I slowly raised myself out of Matt's lap, he steadied me. I felt a sharp pain coming from my side. I looked down to see a patch of blood on the side of my shirt.

"Shit" I whispered, clutching my side.

"Are you-" Matt started to ask me if I was alright but before he could finish he saw the blood coming from my side, "Oh god"

He quickly wrapped his arm around my waste, I leaned against him, balancing myself.

"Do you want me to carry you?" He grimaced sympathetically, knowing the pain I was in.

"No-" I breathed heavily, "Just get me to the bathroom."

We walked forward together down the hall, towards the bathroom.

It never ended, there was always something to ruin the day.

After about 20 excruciatingly painful steps I reached the door way of the bathroom. Matt kept his hands on my waste, I placed one hand on the counter top to hold my self in a comfortable position. It felt as though I was being stabbed all over again. I used my other hand to lift up the side of my shirt. The blood was oozing out from behind one of my stitches and a few of the stitches had clearly burst.

Matt grabbed a face cloth from the closet and ran cold water over it.

"What happened?" He asked as he gently placed the cold cloth over my wound.

"I-" I winced slightly at the coldness of the cloth touching my wound, "I think I burst one of my stitches."

I shifted my weight trying to get comfortable, "I don't know how though" I scrunched up my nose wincing at the pain, "God" I whispered.

"Are you sure you don't want to sit down?" Matt suggested.

"No, I can't it hurts to much"

"What about laying down?"

"I can barley move as it is, just… just get me to the hospital" I demanded slowly turning towards the door. Matt placed him self next to me, wrapping an arm around my waste as I placed my arm around his neck.

We made our decent towards the large staircase.

"You okay?" Matt asked, noticing my heavy breathing and constant grimacing.

"Yeah, as okay as I can be" I replied honestly.

He nodded his head, guiding me slowly down the staircase.

We made it to the door after what seemed like forever. Matt got me into the car, before he went back to the house to lock up. It killed to sit, I didn't know why this hurt so much, something was seriously wrong.

"We'll be there soon enough" Matt said soothingly as he reached out and grasped my hand. I held it tightly, "Everything's going to be okay" He smiled, revealing his dimples. A weak smile grew across my face.

I turned on the radio, wanting to try and get my mind off the pain. I still had one of my mix CD's in it, so of course Avenged Sevenfold started playing;

Raise your head and taste the courage

(the one of light)

Fall from grace, unholy night

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