Chapter 20

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Matt and I walked down stairs. Brian was already sitting at the bar in the kitchen, watching the clock on the wall tick and tock as the morning hours dwindled away.

"You look like you're having fun" Matt laughed.

"Oh yes, the most" Brian said sarcastically.

I just stood there feeling kind of awkward as my hand searched for Matt's hand to intertwine them.

Zacky, Jimmy and Johnny soon came down the hallway and entered the kitchen.

"GOODMORNING to you all" Jimmy sang.

"GOODMORNING!" Brian said, spreading out his arms, as if he was waiting for someone to hug him, which Jimmy happily did. I let out a small laugh, as Zacky stood next to me,

"Nomatter how long you've known them, they're never not funny" he laughed.

"It never gets on your nerves?" I laughed, trying to make conversation.

"Well maybe when your in a bad mood... Then Jimmy just does whatever to cheer you up"

"That sounds interesting."

They were all sitting at the bar, including me when Johnny asked,

"So, how about breakfast?"

"I don't know what there is for food" I said as I got up to open the fridge.

"We have some nice, half and half, or some lemon juice, or ooh garlic" I joked, as I read all the things you wouldn't want to eat... Something I commonly did.

"I'll have some garlic" Brian winked, I laughed acknowledging him.

"How about I make some eggs" Matt offered as he took out the carton, along with some bacon and toast.

"Help yourself, as long as you clean up the mess" I smiled, "I like my house spotless"

"Anything for you" Matt exaggerated.

I went and sat back down at the bar in the kitchen.

"So were your parents like Millionaires" Zacky asked, as he looked around our abnormally large kitchen. I just laughed, I didn't like talking about money status', it was awkward.

"The amount of money a man has simply does not say anything about who he is" I replied rhetorically with a smile.

"Wise" Zacky answered.

We all sat there in silence watching Matt cook us breakfast, when finally Brian walked over to the fridge and said, "who's this adorable little kid"

I laughed a little, that's me at my first skiing competition.

"You ski?" Matt asked. He sounded surprised.

"You do ski races?" Johnny asked.

"I did about 5 in total, the weather around here really isn't ideal for competitive skiing and training, I just do it for fun now" I smiled.

"That's pretty cool" Brian said.

I just sat there, not wanting to sound like I was bragging if I kept talking about skiing and what not.

"Okay, breakfast is served" Matt announced as he placed toast and eggs in front if each if us.

"Why don't we go sit at the kitchen table" I offered, as I walked over. Matt followed behind me and sat down next to me. The rest of the guys sat with he to. Brian sat on the other side of me. Talk about awkward.

"So do any of your friends like Avenged Sevenfold" Jimmy asked.

I hated that question. In all honesty I didn't have any friends. I had 3 barley. I hadn't talked to her in a while. All they ever wanted to do was talk about my parents and pity me, so I distanced myself from them for sake of my sanity.

"Uhm no not really" I wasn't lying, I mean if I don't have any friends then they don't like anything right? And the friends I did have wern't into the type of music I like anyway.

"Oh well that's a shame, they don't know why's they're missing our on" Jimmy smiled.

"So what should we do today" Brian asked.

"If you guys want, we could go to the beach... My family has a beach house, south from here it's like a half hour away, we could stay over if you guys want" I suggested. Half hoping they would say no, considering I hadn't been there since the summer before my parents death. It was like my life was two chapters now. Before my parents death. And after my parents death. I hated it.

"That sounds awesome! We should go!" Zacky said.

I forced a fake smile across my face, but inside I was trembling. All the memories were coming back. The myriad of memories rushed in an out of my brain. One leading to another. As I sat there silently with a fake smile on my face.

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