Chapter 23

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We all stayed in the water for a while, playing catch and swimming around. The waves were huge today which shocked most of the guys, when one unexpectedly knocked them over.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving" Jimmy announced.

The guys shook their heads in agreement and all walked out of the water. Matt and I didn't follow.

"Morgan, I know nothing about you" Matt blurted out.

"Define nothing" I said.

"Like, I want to learn more about who you are as a person. I feel like I barley know anything about you and... I don't know..."

I nodded my head, "well we can fix that" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around Matt's neck. He pulled me in for a kiss. It's sent shivers down my spine and felt extroidinary as usual.

We both pulled away from each other and walked onto the shore, and up to where we were sitting.

They were all eating lunch like they hadn't eaten for days. I wasn't hungry- as usual- so I pretended to be on my phone.

As I looked up and down the beach I saw some familiar faces, most of which were people who my mom had befriended. She knew everyone. As I let my eyes wander I noticed a man waving at me, so I waved back to be friendly. He walked up towards me with his dog. I recognized him, it was Charlie our old neighbor and a good friend of my dads.

"Morgan it feels like it's been ages!" He announced, "I'm so glad to see you!"

"It has been!" I greeted him, "I'm glad to see you too!"

"I just was so shocked when I heard the news, the worst things happened to the best of them.." He paused, "or don't they say something like that"

I let out a laugh.

"Yeah" I sighed, "I supposed they do."

"I've been trying to look after your house the best I can, it's held up nicely through the couple of storms we've had."

"As well it should" I said, Charlie knew exactly what I was referring to; My dads choice in what to use for material on the house when we were building it. The most expensive materials so that the house would last forever.

"There was a strange guy over there the other day though" Charlie said as a look of worry came over his face, "said his name was Andrew.. I think" he furrowed his eyebrows.

Matt looked up as he heard the name. There was the look of anger in his eyes, it was frightening.

"You don't say" I rolled my eyes, "did he say anything to you?"

"Not anything important... that I can recall, he was just snooping around the house..." Charlie said as he looked up.

"Odd" I replied, "anywho, who's this guy?" I said as a knelt down to pet his dog.

"This is Moxie, she's a Newfoundland, as you could probably tell" He said.

"I could, she's just like Sampson." I said as I pet her furry head.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Matt had an annoyed look on his face. Apparently he 'know' me.

Sampson was my dog that I got when I was 9. He died a year after my parents, that can be marked as the second saddest/worst night of my life. He had to be out down. That dog was my best friend, and a memory of my parents. I loved him so much.

I sat there just petting Moxie and recalling the memories I had with Sampson.

"Well it sure is nice seeing you" I said as I stood up.

"Same to you, come and visit us more! Everyone missed you, Morgan. And we were all surely worried about you" He said.

"My mom always said this was the best neighborhood" I laughed as I sat back down.

"Well I'll see you around, and I hope that Andrew doesn't come around again." He said as he turned and walked down the beach.

I hope he doesn't either.


The day went by quickly, we sat on the beach for most of the day and talked.

When it started to get late, we headed up to the house. Brian and Zacky had brought their guitars and they sat out on the porch playing some of their songs. I sat and watched. Matt came and sat next to me, along with Jimmy and Johnny sat next to him.

"Do you play any instruments, Morgan?" Zacky asked.

"I do, actually" I said.

"Like what?" Matt asked.

"Guitar and piano."

Just then Brian handed me his guitar and demanded me to play them something.

"I don't know what to play, give me a song or something." I laughed.

I couldn't believe I was holding Synyster Gates' guitar.

"Do you know Seize the Day?" Matt asked.

I nodded and started to play the song, strumming the chords.

"No way" Brian said, " you're really good" he sounded shocked.

They all nodded. I just smiled, timidly.

"Do you sing?" Johnny asked.

"A little" I replied.

"Sing something for us!" Jimmy suggested.

"Maybe another time" I laughed.

We all sat on the deck and played songs for the rest of the night, or at least until I fell asleep on Matt's shoulder and everyone decided that it was time to get some rest.

I walked through the downstairs part of the house, and up the long staircase, down the upstairs hallway and up the narrow staircase into me and Matt's room. Matt was right behind me.

I really wasn't tired. I just needed to have some alone time with Matt because apparently he didn't know me.

"Follow me" I said as I opened another door which lead to an even smaller staircase. We climbed up it, and onto the widows walk.

"This is pretty cool" Matt said look out over all the houses.

"So..." I started.

"Sooo" he replied, nudging me slightly with his side.

"So, what does Matt want to know about Morgan" I asked.

He smiled. His smiled was contagious as I soon felt one growing on my face.

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