Chapter 16

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Matt and I swam around in the pool for the entire day. I forgot how much I loved to swim, I always use to before my parents passed... but afterwards it was no longer appealing, like most things.

As I walked into the sunroom on the back of my house, I heard the phone ringing.

"Hello?" I answered it.

"Hi, yes this is Renee Sumner, I'm calling to discuss the selling of your house."

My heart sank.

"I'm not selling my house."

"According to your brother you are." She replied.

"I'm an only child" I snapped.

"Not according to Andrew." She said calmly.

"Look, I don't know who you are and I don't know what Andrew did to convince you that he's my brother. But I'm have no interest in selling my house."

"Okay, I'm sorry Miss Stoermer." The lady said as she hung up the phone.

I couldn't believe Andrew. My brother? How low does he have to go. Just then I heard footsteps coming through the door.

"Hey, sis" Andrew snarled. I looked up, and snarled my lip.

"Get out of MY house" I said emphasizing the my.

"I need to ask you a question." He persisted.

"Make it quick," I said getting up to walk into the kitchen.

"Where's your parents Will?" He asked.

"Andrew I told you already my par-" I started to explain angrily.

"Where's the actual document Morgan, I want to see it" He snarled.

"Fine." I snapped, as I walked into my dad's office, I had always left it in the top drawer, which I kept locked. My mom and dad had made a Will together, for sake of keeping legal things easier... it read:

Article 3

Distribution of Residue of the Estate

We give, devise and bequeath all of the residue and remainder of our Estate, after payment of all my just debts, expenses, taxes, administration costs and individual devises and bequests, if any, the whole Estate to our only child and daughter, Morgan Jayde Stoermer.

"There." I said to Andrew after reading it out loud to him, "Now get off my property."

"I'm not leaving." He smirked.

"Too bad, you don't have a choice, get out of my house"

"No." He said smugly.

"Fine, then you leave me no choice." I reached over to the phone on my dad's desk, and started dialing 9-1-1. Andrew must have made our the numbers as I was dialing, because before I knew it he tackled me and had me pinned to the ground.

"Get off of me" I screamed. Where the hell was Matt when I needed him.

Andrew grabbed me roughly by my arm, I think I felt something tear.

"You're coming with me" He snarled.

Andrew started to drag me down the hall and towards the living room. I squirmed trying to free myself from his strong grip.

" Maaa-" My voice was muffled as he put his hand over my mouth. I squirmed some more, which he didn't like so he replied with slapping me hard across my face. We were getting closer to the front door when I heard the back door open.

"Morgan?" Matt called.

I tried to yell but it came out as nothing.

"So you have your strong boyfriend here to protect you aye? Looks like he isn't doing a very good job. That made me mad. I then took my leg and kneed him hard in the balls.

"You bitch" He yelled as he doubled over, out of breath.

"Matt!" I yelled, as he started walking into the living room, where the brawl was taking place. Just then Andrew pounced and punched me hard in the side of my mouth.

"AAAOW" I screamed bending down to the floor. Just then I noticed a figure standing over me, thank god it was Matt. He started tackling and punching Andrew hard. He was terrifying when he was mad.

"How dare you treat a girl like that!" He yelled. Andrew just stood there frozen barely trying to fight back. Once Matt had his fun, he stopped and swiftly grabbed Andrew by his shirt, "Don't you ever come back here," He said powerfully. As soon as Matt let go of him, Andrew sprinted out of the house, practically running into the door and tripping over every piece of furniture in sight.

I stayed in the same spot crouched over because of the excruciating pain coming from all over my body.

Matt slowly walked over to me, picked me up and carried me into the Kitchen. "Alright lets get you cleaned up" He said reassuringly, "Where does it hurt?"

"Everywhere" I moaned, "I think I dislocated my shoulder"

Matt got ice packs out of the freezer, just as I heard a loud knock on the door.

Oh my god Andrew was back. Tears started falling down my face as Matt ran to the front door gasping in shock.

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