Chapter 29

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***Brian's POV***

I screwed up badly. Why did I have to go and drink tonight. Why did I have to tell Morgan my feelings. More importantly why did she have to tell me her's.

"What the fuck did I do" I grimaced, putting my hands to my face. I loved Morgan; yes. There was no denying that. But because I loved her I didn't want to ruin her relationship with Matt. I wish she didn't love me.

I sat at the table with various thoughts bombarding my mind wishing this night had never happened. I just feel so comfortable around her, I had no problem telling her how I feel. It was natural. I wish it wasn't though.

I slowly trudged upstairs and to my bedroom, shutting the door quietly. I plopped myself down on the bed and tried to fall asleep. Which was impossible

**Morgans POV***

I woke up in Matt's embrace, as usual. He wasn't up yet so I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I changed into a pair of jean shorts and an old Transplants tshirt I had. I never wore make up or did much with my hair so I brushed it out and rubbed it dry with a towel.

When I had finished I walked downstairs to get myself a drink of water. I wasn't hungry, I was too worried about what had happened between me and Brian. Even though nothing had happened, except a lot of feelings were shared which would make it 10x more awkward the next time I see him.

As I was buried in a monsoon of thoughts, I heard foot steps coming down the stairs. Please don't let it be Brian I thought, please.

"Oh hey Morgan" I heard Jimmy say.

"Good morning!" I said softly.

"Are you always up this early?" Zacky asked as he walked down behind him.

"Nah, I just... Have alot of my mind" I said looking at my water.

"That's a shame, so do you have any breakfast?" Jimmy asked.

"I'm not much of a cook when it comes to breakfast do help yourself to whatever" I explained.

"Will do" Zacky said as they walked behind me into the kitchen.

Just as they left Matt walked downstairs I started walking towards him when he opened his arms so I ran and jumped as he hugged me tightly and spun me around.

"Good morning" I laughed.

"Good Morning my love" he said romantically as he kissed my forehead.

"So are you gunna put me down?" I laughed.

"Nope" he smirked as he started walking towards the kitchen with me still in his arms.

"Guys help he won't put me down" I pleaded calmly.

"I'll save you!" Jimmy leaped out of his chair and towards us, as Matt started running away towards the back deck.

"You wil never catch us" Matt laughed maniacally. He started running down the stairs to the beach as jimmy followed closely behind running on Matt's heels.

"This really isn't necessary" I shook my head, "but it's fun" Matt just looked up at me as he smiled, "here get on my back, ill give you a piggy back ride" As I was getting down Jimmy ran through and lifted me off my feet and began running.

"Oh hey Jimmy how's it going" I joked. "Oh you know, just picking up girls here and there, it's what I do best" He smirked, as he ran with me in his arms down the beach.

"JIMMY! GET BACK HERE" Matt yelled as he ran down the beach.

"JIMMY SULLIVAN" He yelled some more. Which made me laugh hysterically.

We had probably ran a mile down the beach when Jimmy decided he was tired so he dropped me in the sand.

"Really" I rolled my eyes at him, "you had to drop me"

"Hey I said I pick girls up, I'm not use to putting them down" He smirked. I say in the sand as he stood over me and Matt raced towards us, he was laughing.

"Jimmy really, you steal my girlfriend and leave her in the sand" he said lightly punching him in the shoulder, "I can't even see your house any more Morgan"

"I know, we ran like 2 miles" I laughed as I picked up sand and let it run through my fingers.

"The guys are probably concerned, we should head back" Jimmy suggested.

"Lets go" Matt said as I climbed on his back and he gave me a piggy back ride all the way back to my house.

"We should do that more often" I snickered.

"Easy for you to say, you didn't do anything!" Matt huffed looking back at me with a smile. I smirked and didn't reply, the rest of the walk back was short.

When we got back to the house Zacky greeted us at the porch, "where the hell did you guys go"

"Lets just say we played a little game called Pick Up The Morgan And See How Far You Can Run With Her."

I joked as I walked past him and into the kitchen, "oh hey johnny" I greeted as I noticed him sitting at the kitchen table. "Hey Morgan" He greeted back.

"Where's Brian?" I asked, noticing he wasn't down here yet.

"I think he's still in his room, I knocked on the door but he said he was sleeping... He never sleeps this late, he's usually an early riser." Johnny explained.

"That's odd" I said worriedly.

Was it cause of me? Was he depressed because I liked him but I was in a relationship with Matt? Matt, Jimmy and Zacky walked in.

"Where's Brian?" Zacky asked.

"Still in his room" Johnny said solemnly.

"Why? He never sleeps this late" Matt observed, "I'm gunna go up and check on him"

We all stood in the kitchen awkwardly as Matt went upstairs to check on Brian. I knew this was all cause of me. He was either making it easier for the both of us or he was genuinely sad. Fuck.

Matt came back down the stairs and reported to us, "he said he's sick, and just wants to sleep.. Whatever that means" Matt rolled his eyes a little.

I was worried. Brian was being a recluse in his room because of me. I debating about going up and talking to him but decided not to quickly, knowing it would make things worse.

"Looks like he'll be missing out on all the fun we're gunna have today" Jimmy said as he crossed his arms and closed his eyes, looking proud as ever.

"What exactly are we going to do today Jim" I questioned.

"Why, we're going to the beach!" I went upstairs and changed into my black and red bikini, as we all headed down to the beach.

Brian stayed in his room, as I walked by his door I stood outside of it for a couple minutes wanting to go in but not wanting to go in at the same time. Of course I didn't go in and I headed down to the beach with the rest of the guys. We spent the day swimming and hanging out. I quite honestly enjoyed it.

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