Chapter 13

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"Listen to me Morgan, you're going to sell this house because we all know you don't deserve it." He whispered in my ear.

I shivered at his breath on my neck. There was no one who I hated more than this jerk. I pulled away from him and he released me.

"Too bad, I'm not selling the house, and there's nothing you can do about it." I said sternly.

"I wouldn't be so sure" Andrew snickered, as he grabbed my arm again.

Just then I heard footsteps behind me. Thank god I let Matt come... that was all I was thinking right now.

"Let go of her." Matt said as he pulled Andrew back by the shoulder.

"Who the hell are you" He said irritable.

"Her boyfriend" Matt said proudly.

"You don't scare me" Andrew said.

Matt grabbed me from Andrew and held me close to him.

"I suggest you get outta here buddy." Matt said, trying to stay calm.

"Andrew, leave before I call the cops" I threatened.

"What would you call them for" Andrew laughed.

"You're trespassing on private property" I said.

With that Andrew left. He swore to himself as he walked down the driveway. I couldn't believe him. He was ridiculous.

"I can see why you hate that guy" Matt said as I led him into the house. I laughed at his snide remark.

We unloaded the car and took the suitcases up to my room. As Matt stepped foot into my room he looked around at all my posters and band merch around my room.

"Wow" He gasped.

"What?" I said.

"Your room is... awesome"

I smiled. My room was pretty awesome. My parents never use to let me hang things on the wall, but after they passed away I ignored that rule. One wall in my room was entirely dedicated to pictures of bands. Most of the pictures were of The Clash, some of the sex pistols, and other bands I liked. I had different quotes behind my bed, and a bulletin board next to my door.

"Did you draw those?" Matt asked referring to the quote on my wall from their song Crossroads. I had painted a picture behind it and drew the text so that it looked all fancy.

If I was perfect then this would be easy.

Either road's plausible on both I could drown

I walk through the center with no rules to guide me

I realize it's difficult but now I can see

"Oh yeah, I did" I said shyly.

"Those are sweet, you should draw something for our next album cover" He suggested.

"Maybe, my artwork's not that good" I said.

"You're so modest" He laughed. I smiled as I put some of my clothes away. I noticed him looking at the safe in the corner of my room. I walked over him and opened it up. He stood there in shock. My dad and I always use to go to shooting range, so this is where I kept my guns and some of my rifles.

"Why do you own these?" Matt questioned.

"My dad and I use to love going to shooting ranges, so did I, I'm pretty good at shooting, its kind of therapeutic too... I went to the range a lot after my parents died to relieve my anger and stuff" I smirked, "Maybe I'll bring you something"

"I learn something new about you everyday" he said pulling me into a tight hug, he kissed my forehead, then my lips. He picked me up so my legs were straddled around his waste. We kissed for what seemed like hours, his tongue slid across my bottom lip as mine slid across his. I felt like I was floating, never in my life had I felt so good. I loved this.

Just then I heard a window break downstairs.

"What the fuck" I yelled, starting to run downstairs. Matt pulled me back, "Let me go first."

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