Chapter 49

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The drive home seemed to last forever, between the traffic and the pouring rain. I sat in my depressing thoughts. Matt made attempts to comfort me which I more than appreciated. I was sitting there when I heard Matt's phone vibrating all of a sudden.

"Hey, Brian" Matt spoke.

I couldn't hear over the other line. Matt explained the fiasco with Aubrey. At this point Brian was screaming on the other line.

"I know, Brian, I know she's a bitch" Matt sighed, keeping his eyes on the road and one hand rested gingerly on the top of the steering wheel.

Brian's voice went back to normal, thus meaning I couldn't hear him.

"Okay Brian, I will, see ya" Matt hung up and looked over at me, "Do you mind if we stop at the grocery store? Brian wants Oreo's"

I laughed slightly, "Of course"

"Where's the nearest one?"

"There's one down the street from my house, we'll just go there."

The rest of the ride was quiet. When we got to the grocery store, Matt opened my side of the car and led me out, wrapping his arm around me tightly.

We were at the entrance when a kid with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and a Black Flag shirt came walking over to us, "Hey you're M. Shadows!"

He sounded excited, but unexcited at the same time. He had a small mohawk and a leather jacket on, along with doc martins with studs. He was actually pretty attractive, and looked about my age.

"That's me" Matt smiled.

"Could you sign this for me?" The kid pulled out an Avenged Sevenfold CD from his pocket.

"You keep CD's in your pocket?" I laughed.

"You never know when you're gunna need 'em! Exibit A" He said pointing to Matt.

I nodded my head I couldn't disagree.

"What's your name?" Matt asked.


"Like Sid Vicious" I mumbled to myself.

His eyes widened, "yeah how'd you know?"

"Uhm, because how can you not know who Sid Vicious is, or the Sex Pistols." I smirked, crossing my arms across my chest as Matt wrote a note on the CD and signed his name.

"You got good taste in music" He sounded shocked.

I laughed slightly not sure what to say. Matt finished up his writing and handed the Sid his CD.

"Well, maybe I'll see ya around" Sid said to us, as we walked into the store. We were just walking through the produce section when I heard what was playing on the radio. Oh shit.

"Matt… I uhm… I'm gonna go wait in the car" I stuttered uneasily.

"Are you okay?" Matt said worriedly, as I backed up towards the door.

"Yeah… just… meet me out there"

"Okay" He sounded concerned.

As soon as he turned around I bolted out the doors and to the car. Honestly, I just needed to get away from that song. That god awful song. Memories came back to me as I rested my head on the window of the passenger side door.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Matt asked, as he ran up to me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug.

"Yeah, sorry.. about that" I muttered into his chest.

"Why'd you have to leave?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"The song"

"What song was playing?" Matt raised his eye brows, as he took both of my hands in his and stared intently into my eyes.

"Every Breath You Take by the police" I shivered.

He cocked his head slightly, still confused.

"That song… was playing during the car crash… and it skipped through the entire album as the car his us and we flipped" I shrugged, a couple tears escaped my eyes.

Matt pulled me into his embrace, burying his face in my hair.

"Oh, Morgan" He whispered.

I hugged him back, tightly.


When we got home, Matt barged through the front door, "Brian! We got your god damn oreos" Matt yelled.

Brian came trotting down the stairs, his eyes locking with mine first. He came over to me and pulled me into a hug. He smelt so good.

"I'm so sorry about what happened" He mumbled.

I didn't say anything. I pulled out of the hug, because I didn't want Matt to get jealous.

"Thank you" Brian smiled, as he took the oreos from Matt.

The day passed by slowly, I spent the day sitting in the living room watching movies and various shows with Matt by my side. It was nice to be doing things like this with him. I was so used to doing them alone, and being alone. It was comforting to have an arm wrapped around me and a shoulder to rest my head on. I loved Matt, a lot. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me.


Weeks past and eventually the day came for the guys to fly back to Huntington California. So much had happened in the matter of 2 months. I graduated high school, met Matt, started dating Matt, got stabbed, the list goes on.

I fluttered my eyes open. Matt had his arms around me. As usual.

"Good Morning" He muttered.

"Good Morning" I smiled, reaching up to kiss him. His lips were always so soft. Kissing him never got any less magical, it always felt like the first time. I parted my lips allowing his tongue to enter my mouth. Our tongues danced, as we deepened the kiss. I moved my hand to the back of Matts neck, pulling myself closer to him.

Matt entangled his fingers in my hair before pulling away.

"I love you so much" He whispered. Our noses were touching.

I quickly kissed him once more before getting up to change.

"I can't believe you guys have to leave already" I frowned.

"We'll be back soon enough" Matt reassured me, "I don't know how long I'll be able to be away from you honestly"

"I know" I sighed, "I can't believe I'm starting college in less than a month either"

Matt just sighed.

"Nothing's gonna happen to… us right?" I questioned nervously.

"What do you mean?"

"Like… we're going to remain true to each other right?"

Matt was now standing over me, he grabbed my left hand and held it in his, "Remember our promise?"

"Yes" I smiled, as Matt gently kissed my forehead.


I spent the day packing, and cleaning the house, since I would be staying with Matt for 4 days when we got to California. We had a night flight at 7pm so we left for Logan airport at 5. When we got there, we checked out bags and went through security. Matt stayed by my side the entire time, either holding my hand or wrapping his arm around me. He was so protective, I didn't mind it though.

We boarded, out seats were first class, I could surly get use to flying like this.

After takeoff I fell asleep on Matt's shoulder and didn't wake up until just before we had landed.

"Wake up" Matt cooed in my ear.

"We're here?" I mumbled groggily.

"Yup" Matt kissed the side of my head.

We got out of the airport around 12am. All the guys when back to their houses, and I went back to Matt's. We were both exhausted so we fell asleep quickly in each others arms.

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