Chapter 12

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*Morgan's POV*

Matt woke me up just before we had landed.

"Good morning sweetheart" he cooed.

I smiled, as he interlocked his fingers with mine, gently kissing my forehead.

"Good morning to you too" I said.

We started slowly filing off the plane. Logan airport. This place had so many memories. I use to travel all the time with my parents.

"Home sweet home, oh how I've missed you Boston" I laughed as I looked out the window at the city.

We made our way to the parking garage, I could barely remember where I parked my car but I found it.. luckily. I was so tired.

"Sweet ride" Matt said, referring to my black jeep.

"Thanks" I smirked, climbing into the drivers seat.

I drove out of the city and onto the highway towards Andover. I hadn't realized how much I had missed it here. I love Boston. It's always been my favorite city, so many good memories were made here.

"While we're here you should give me a tour of the city" Matt suggested with a smirk.

"Or...." I said slowly

"Or what"

"Or I could take you to my beach house like I had said" I smiled. A smile quickly grew on his face.

"That sounds magnificent" He said.

"I mean it's not the pacific... but the Atlantic is pretty sweet" I said as he laughed.

As we drove to my house we made small talk, I enjoyed talking to him. I especially enjoyed looking into his hazel eyes. He was so handsome. How could someone like me be so lucky to be his girlfriend.

I pulled up into my long driveway as Matt gasped.

"What?" I said.

"Your house... you didn't tell me it was so huge!"

"Oh... yeah, I forgot." I lied. I didn't like telling people I had a huge house, because countless people tried to break into it and use me for my money.

"Your family must've been rich" Matt mused.

"You could say that..." My voice trailed off. Another thing I didn't like to talk about. Yes, my family was wealthy. My dad owned an engineering company that worked for the government and my mom was a lawyer.

As I got out of the car, I couldn't believe who was sitting on the front steps.


"What the fuck are you doing here" I snarled at him.

"Taking back what you don't deserve and what's rightfully mine" He said proudly.

I just stood there with my arms crossed.

"You're selling your house"

"You're outta your damn fucking mind" I retorted.

He started walking towards me and grabbed me by my arm.

"Ahh..." I screamed as my voice was muffled by his hand.

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