Chapter 11

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We had just gotten into the car when he told me. He sat there frozen. I wasn't sure what to say either, part of my was mad that he looked at my phone, but part of me didn't mind. He cared... Or at least I hoped.

"Oh" I said.

"I'm sorry it's just your phone vibrated last night and I was awake and it was Andrew and-"

I cut him off, "hey, calm down it's fine" I said half laughing.

He looked relieved.

"I guess I was a little uneasy before, if you really want to come back to Massachusetts with me you can"

"I would be more than happy to" he said with a smile.

As we were driving back to his house so he could pick up clothes and things he would need for our stay at my house I called the airport. I booked tickets for a red eye flight tonight. Matt paid for the tickets, being the hidden gentleman that he was.


*they're now at the airport*

I loved airports and planes, it was by far one of my favorite places to be. Red Eye flights were also my favorite, minus the jet lag. Our plane left at 9pm meaning we would get to Boston at 6am.

"I really hate airplanes" Matt sighed as we took our seats.

"Why?" I said.

"They freak me out, what if we crashed"

I shook my head and laughed a little.

"The chances of that happening are slim, the chances of you dying in a car are alot higher, exhibit A: my parents"

"How can you be so sure" Matt said.

"My dad was a pilot, so was I... I have my permit" I said.

"Dude that's siick" He mused, "you should take me flying sometime"

"I thought you just said you didn't like planes."

We both laughed as I fell asleep on his shoulder.

*Matt POV*

I was really glad Morgan had agreed to letting me go back to Massachusetts with her. I wasn't going to let her go alone, not after what that son of a bitch sent her.

This also might give me a change to learn more about her, I thought to myself. She was mysterious, she didn't just come out and tell me things about herself. I had to get her to tell me them. She is mysterious. Who knows what I'll learn about her when we get Boston.

She is a mystery.

Although our relationship was moving really fast, I was glad that Morgan was starting to warm up to me. When I first met her she seemed like a nervous wreck... Now she seemed more at ease.

Little by little I learned more about who she is inside and out. She is definetly the one for me.

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